Well it has taken a couple of weeks but I have now finished painting the colonial Indian troops for Matt for the Northwest Frontier. He'll see me Sunday and collect them and most likely give me some more to do, but for now I am finished and here are the latest Batch.
Sorry for the rough photography on a couple of the pictures (well none are perfect... ho hum!). Still they should give you some Idea.
7 Figures in this batch including 2 flag bearers. Again either Foundry or Old Glory. Flags are from "Body's Banners" stocked by "Redoubt".
Flag bearers from behind. |
Rank and File |
Rank and File from behind |
All together now, |
The Last picture is because some bright spark usually asks for a group shot. So this time I thought I would save them the effort. It shows all the troops that Matt has asked me to paint this time out. One of the great things about Painting for Matt is that he never sets me a deadline so if I can finish in 6 months or 6 days he's content. And that is great as it really does take all the pressure off. So thanks Matt.
So now I have 4 days in which to indulge myself and paint what I want so I may well start too much and get nothing finished. But my plan however is to start some 1/300th Cold war figures and some 20mm Zombies.
So until Saturday, take care, have fun and try not to hurt anyone! Next episode should be Saturday so I hope you can tune in again then.
Best Wishes from Paint Monkey.