Saturday 14 November 2015

Yet 3 more VBCW

 3 More Great War miniatures painted for Matt and his VBCW collection. very simply one guy possibly an officer reading a report (or newspaper/flyer) the lexis Gin carrying loads of ammunition and or the right a Lewis gunner.  No Big surprises just 3 simple castings in 28mm now ready for the table-top.

Thanks For looking another post on Monday. Probably a Frostgrave AAR.

All the best from a rain soaked Kent.
Cheers Clint

Friday 13 November 2015

3 more VBCW figs

 I am catching up with blog posts as I have been delayed with painting the bathroom again.

But back to wargames and painting and stuff like that!

Yes just 3 more figures for Matts VBCW /WW1 collection. As usual for Matt a Pete Barfield flag by Solway this one features the Horse of Kent, "Invicta" which many of you know is the symbol of Kent. (And if you did  not know you do now!)

The figure in the middle is from "Foundry" while the ones on the flanks are "Great War Miniatures". The Great war miniatures are both minor conversions, one to carry a flag and rifle now slung, while the other now totes a shotgun.

I should have a few more on the blog tomorrow as the bathroom has now been Re-Tanked and with 3  coats of emulsion  as well, so I will not be expecting to paint that again anytime soon.

I will post again on Saturday so until then, take care have fun and remember a day without laughing and smiling is a wasted day!

All the best from Sunny (for now) Kent. Cheers Guys

Wednesday 11 November 2015

Sunday 8 November 2015

A Good weekend.

 Today we have 4 more Anglican league. I say Anglican league as the man with the flag has a sky blue sash which is of course one of the colours of the AL. The guy on the far right of the first picture is "Foundry" and I am told the rest are Great war miniatures. The flag is by Pete Barfield and sold by "Solway". The figures are all for Matt and his VBCW collection all in 28mm and he has already expressed his pleasure so I am sure he will like them in the flesh. There are of course more on the painting table so I would expect some more again soon. Just give me a couple of days.

Overall they have been fun an easy to paint and I will of course welcome more from him if/when he chooses.

Other News:

My Secret Santa stuff has arrived from the manufacture and will be repackaged and sent to the appropriate person slightly closer to the time. Very swift service (2 days) so I am quite impressed but needless to say I cannot tell you which manufacture as that may give it all away! But then again it may not.

Other Non wargaming news.

Yes I do play computer games and have been playing "World of Tanks" on the PC for a few month now. I do not play for long just 1 game every now and again and then I go and do something more productive. So Imagine my surprise when I was playing a Leopard Light tank (VK16.02) a tier 5 tank and was awarded a medal. The description of the medal had the words "New Record" at the bottom. Yes I nearly fell off of my chair! It turns out that driving that tank (and that tank only) I achieved the highest score that that particular vehicle has ever achieved in the game. Well I was flabbergasted!

For those that do not play world of Tanks (probably most of you to be honest) The Light Tank (VK 16.01) "Leopard" was  based on the Panzer II Auf J (VK16.01) and the Panzer II Auf M (VK13.01) An experimental tank that never went into full production although over 300 were planed. The 1st Prototype was built in September 1942. And while it never got into full production the turret did.
The turret was produced and fitted to the SDKFZ 234 (2) Puma. These last two pictures were taken from my computer to show what the vehicle would have looked like if ever produced.

Right that is my self important waffling over, now back to figure painting.

Thanks for looking and I hope you have a great weekend. All the best Clint