Saturday 13 May 2017

Burpas again.

Well this batch of burpas are now finished.
Matt has already seen the pics and is happy so all is OK at my end.  Partly I am sure because they are either all Artizan or Foundry figures and they sit together quite nicely. Of the two I prefer Artizan to paint but not by very much at all.

Starting with a group shot that show them all together  I think the colours work as a whole unit. rag tag enough and yet also a uniformity at the same time..

 We have a cannon and crew, 4 crew in all. While there are all 4 in the first picture in close up one (with ramrod) is behind the others. I did offer Matt the choice of natural colours on the gun or a bright decorated design.  Clearly he chose the natural colours But I think a bright decorated design would also have fitted but be harder to paint from my point of view. His choice entirely and I am happy with his choice.

Lastly we have 3 extra figures to complete this batch of figures.

Not much more to say except. Have a goiod weekend.

All the best Clint

Thursday 11 May 2017


Yes and not in wargames shops.

In the envelope all the way from China is a pack of "Fimo". I have not seen Fimo in the UK for a dozen or more years. So for the price of £3.49 including postage I ordered it from China (Via eBay). For those not in the know Fimo was a clay that you fired in the oven. Like "Das" but finer smoother and with a more plastic quality.  I am not at all worried about the colour and I am sure it is cheaper to import it from China than to try to source it locally.  I am sure to show my "attempts"  with this in the future so get set for disaster!

Additionally I acquired a grass matt from a kitchen shop. This is for rough ground in my pacific war games. Again the princely sum of £3 and as it is 10 inches wide a single pack should be more than enouh to represent rough jungle in the pacific. If it had been 12 inches wide it would have been better but what does 2 inches matter in a game of PBI where everything is measured on a grid!

In the wargame shop I had an interesting chat with a guy on how to paint figures as he is now in the process of writing a book on the Subject.

This Batch of Burpas are now finished and the Photos sent to Matt so he can suggest any changes he might want to make. Assuming no changes. (there usually is not) I will show them on Saturday.

best wishes Clint

Tuesday 9 May 2017

Another 9

Yep still working on Burpas for Matt. and here are another 9.  Quite a colourful bunch. And now started my next 7 as well so matt's force should be growing quite nicely.

Yes I will do a group shot of the lot painted this time when they are all finished, so expect that on Saturday.

But for now just 9 more 28mm colonial figures. They are a mix of Foundry and Artizan, just like last time. And are mostly armed with muskets and daggers, although there is an unhealthy amount of swords smattered in as well.

Close ups of them in groups of 3. Nothing too special about either the painting of the figures but very suitable rank and file to bulk out the armies which with luck we will see on the battlefield (table-top) soon

With luck I will see you all again soon. Until then take care have fun and I for one must get some sleep.

Sunday 7 May 2017

7 Burpas more

Yes 7 more 28mm Burpas. A mixture of Artizan and Foundry so I am told. All painted for Matt and all for the North west Frontier of India. As such I have tried (this time) to paint them in more muted colours and nothing too bright and flashy.

The second pic is more of a close up, but without having moved the figures. This allows both you and me to see them in more detail without the need to handle them too much prior to varnishing.

While the third picture shows their backs and gives you an all round look at them. As always there are more to do and I hope and expect to finish some more by Tuesday (Another 9 are started so expect them soon.)

So with luck see you all again on Tuesday.