By painting them red and white they can fit into either of the two forces I am building so quite versatile. I will like wise do the same with the Crossbows and then I shall change colours, Perhaps Green and yellow I am not sure yet.
I did not paint the faces well, but well enough. I found the spears and helmets were just too much in the way. And I do not regret painting then as I have done.
I have several "Plans" for Selwg show. Yes a show report soon and Zombtober entry SHALL be late. Sorry real life and all that. I have started it and HOP to finish today or MAYBE tomorrow but it may need to wait until Monday.
Here are my planned spendz, I wonder how tey shall compare to what I actually buy.
- Crooked Dice. Maybe if I am feeling flush buy 7TVe2 and 2 starting casts.
- GZG I only desire 2 packs from Jon Tuffneys 15mm Stargrunt range. Saying that is one thing but maybe I am looking at a lot more.
- Brigade Games. Again some 15mm Sci fi stuff. IF I do not get it from GZG.
- Peter Pig, the Spanish Civil War rules. and a pack of heads, (All pre-ordered!)
- Tumbling dice, some 1/600th scale aircraft! And maybe a Check you 6 rule book
- Too Fat Lardies. Maybe a "Bag the Hun" rulebook.
I was going to meet an old friend, but he cannot get time from work so that shall be a miss.
Thanks for looking. More again soon.
I hope tomorrow with a loot post and Zombtober figure finished!
Take care, hav e fun and paint if you can. All the best Clint