Well it's a "Ronseal" title in that it does what it says on the tin. No I Have not quite kicked the arse out of the Doldrums and I am still in a wargames rut. But at least I am coming out the other side. So here is what I am doing!
An existing Afghanistan board |
The answer is simple, I have taken one of my old DBA boards (I have two others so don't panic or at least don't panic for now, panic later in your own time.) I have filled the holes where some trees went, you will note the darker green patched around the whit blobs which identifies how far the canopies spread! Additionally I have added a road. The Road is a thin coating of ready mixed plaster that I can slightly smoother than the rough ground.
This board will become another Afghanistan/Arabia board (the other two will as well). By doing this I will have a total of 9 interchangeable boards, each 2 foot square. All the hard work is already done so this will be a repaint and a slight re-build. SO I am expecting some rapid results. When I have the boards complete I will have a 6 foot square area ready to fight over.
But fight what I hear you ask? Well more Afghanistan and Arabia in a nut-shell so when I go to SELWG Show I now have a focus for my
Squandering carefully thought out expenditure. So I will be looking for more 20mm Modern British and Russian stuff to fight against the Taliban. (I also need a better set of skirmish rules for this). As the Terrain and architecture has hardly changed for a millennia I may also be looking for Earlier (Colonial Period and Napoleonic Period) Afghans. So I anticipate some Colonial skirmish games next year.
When I use the boards for North Africa/Arabia I will also be looking for some 20mm WW2 Italians and some 8th Army (although the 8th Army is less needed as I already have some British to paint in 20mm). In addition to 20mm WW2 and WW1 (Laurence of Arabia) games Newline Design also make some 20mm Mahdist figures so that's another colonial option. Newline also make some 20mm Metal Ancient ranges so maybe some ancient skirmish as well. So maybe some 20mm Romans vs Lybians or Numibians Skirmish. Maybe even earlier.... New Kingdom Egyptians, Assyrians or even Summarians. Oh so many options shame there are only a couple of companies making 20mm other then WW2.
WW2 will be the main focus though, unless I get sidetracked into Arab Israeli wars
Thanks for reading my waffle today. With luck I will hope to have something new to show soon.
All the best Clint