Yes I know "How Very unlike me!"
Well in this current edition of WARGAMES BLOGGERS QUARTERLY
I have an article! Yes this is me who most self respecting school masters
would hardly trust with a crayon.
Maybe that's another story
and just to let you know wax crayons do not taste good.
Well you all know the drill.
Click the link Below.
(the Link Above!)
And it should take you straight to it.
Then ignore everyone else's article
Read mine and then come back here and leave
Pleasant comments or not.
You may want to just use my contribution as loo paper.
As most of you will have followed the game anyway so nothing new there.
Future game?
Looking to the future however. You will note that I am already planning the next game. It is all in my head at the moment but it is worth saying that I am thinking of WW1 air war flying among the clouds somewhere over Flanders. So If you are wanting to play start reading "Biggles" and watching films like "The Blue Max" and growing your moustache! I will start making the scenery after the challenge ends and also start getting the planes then. I will take requests about which side you would rather be on closer to the time. I envisage each player to be in control of a single plane and as there are no radios it really will be every man for himself.
But more of this AFTER my shopping sprees at Salute! And when I start building as you should know by now I will do a walk through of what I build.