Thursday 14 June 2012

Today's SAGA

As you can see I am slowly expanding my SAGA warband. Only 5 more here, but a few more on the painting table that should be finished by Tuesday next week I suspect. That however depends of if I get sidetracked. As I have a single box of Gripping Beast Hirdmen, I shall attempt to build everything from that one box. So far so good. Yes it might seem tight fisted of me, but I am not in a position to through money at every project that comes along. Having said that I have 3 or four figures from many years ago which I can add to this warband, but seriously only 3 or 4 and I will have to be very selective which ones I use. One for example is wearing "Russ" trousers so I won't use him this time, only 0ne has a bow, so he won't get used either. Two others are in padded gambisons and so they don't look right with all the rest. And so the list goes on. Realistically I am expecting to re-use two of them.

For those that have voted on my poll thank you very much. If you haven't there's still two weeks to go so for the sake of a button click what have you got to loose.

That's it for today. I'll post again Saturday. Thanks for looking all the best Clint.


  1. Looking good Clint my old Huscarl!

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks. Only 10 figures there though so a way to go yet.

  3. Very nice like the shields and the damage marks on them

    1. I'm glad they read as damage marks:). Thanks mate.

  4. Very nice Clint. I've made the saxon thegns box set myself and it was mucho fun - surprisingly! I hope you enjoy it as much as I did

    1. Enjoying the painting of them, not so much the assembly, so all good so far.


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