Tuesday 16 October 2012

Selwg 2012


As many of you will now on Sunday I went to SELWG. AS my eyesight is "borderline" I don't drive for fear of accidents. I was therefore very grateful that Ray, (http://onelover-ray.blogspot.co.uk/) Fran (http://theangrylurker.blogspot.co.uk/) and Postie. I must say sharing a car with them was actually a pleasant experience (Perhaps I should get out more). They all have a wealth of knowledge and put me at ease quickly and it turns out Fran can navigate as well. Cutting a long story short we arrived Early and were joined in the Que by Lee (http://www.blmablog.com/2012/10/selwg-2012-part-1.html) who has already published a comprehensive show report in four parts and I would recommend checking it out. Moments later David Crook (http://awargamingodyssey.blogspot.co.uk/) Joined the crowd outside and the time passed very quickly until the doors opened.

The Above Picture was taken at 12:30ish and is a good judge of the crowd and show attendance. It did seem that numbers were a little down, but until I speak to a few traders and see their view on the crowds spending habits it is hard to judge. Some traders I know did very well, and it is inevitable that some did not meet their expected targets, such is always the way at shows. As already demonstrated I was very reserved in my spending this year, As I have a number of projects in the planning stages which have not reached the wallet opening level just yet.
Here are the pics of the games at the show, not all the games of course, check Big lees blog ,above, for a MUCH larger selection. These are just the ones that for some reason caught my eye. No captions or descriptions, just random pics of pretty games. There was a Zombie game as well and I shall post about that at another time. Just for the Zombie Bloggers Association. Most of the games have had outings before as show games are the showcase of the clubs that put them on so if you have been to a show in the south of England the chances are you will already have seen them, so this is just a visual reminder.
I should have payed more attention to the table I was getting a pic of so I could label them and put them in some sort of order. My day consisted of talking to traders and fellow wargamers, I was even introduced to Tamsin, (http://wargaminggirl.blogspot.co.uk/2012/10/more-selwg-some-gossip.html) and can confirm the GZG gossip she put forward in her blog today, Jon having said the same to me as well. Then having wandered away from the table chatting failing to return until later. This is just how unorganised I am. Maybe it will be different if I ever grow up.... don't hold your breathe!
Clubs can't afford either the time, money or effort to host a new game for each show, that would be ridiculous we would never get to play games. As such many games fall into the pre Salute and post Salute category. Overall the standard of the games was incredibly high, in fact I cannot think of a single game that I would not be proud to have worked on. It just goes to show how many talented people are drawn to the hobby. Anyway I hope you enjoy the photos and find something of interest. As mentioned before I will talk about the zombie game another time.

Anyway thanks for reading, or more likely just looking at the pics. I shall try to get things labelled and identified next time. Yeah right!

All the best Clint.


  1. Nice pictures, and thanks for the mention. It was good to meet up again and have a chat while we waited to get inside.

    1. No worries mate. I think we should organise a game between Rainham and the Rejects. I have Rays email addy, so I think we should drive the idea forward.

      Back to SELWG. I really need to get more organised. And bring myself to your blogging level.

    2. Sounds like a great idea, give me a few dates and I'll see what we can do! Great pics a report Clint, I will be posting my pics later in the week, by then everyone will be sick of them though!!

    3. I shall send you a calander of all the dates we are playing for the next year.

  2. Thanks for the pics Clint - just wish I could have been there in person! :(

  3. Solid report. Great photos.

  4. Great little read here Clint. And the photos are good to, especially the first one. Never been to one of these ( living in Canada and now Turkey.. not many around these parts ) but am hoping to attend some next year if travel permits!

    And not sick of the photos yet! As Lee states.. no more real big cons left this year.. so we have to live off of these until the one in February!

    1. There is a tiny show close to me in 2 weeks. I have never been as it really is such a small event, but I am tempted this year.

      Then the next show would be Cavalier (febuary) there are a couple of shows "Up North" like "Winter Recon" for example. but that would not be a viable event for me to get to.

      If you want details of the Zombie Game that was at the show, I will try to get it on here tommorrow, or Next day latest.

    2. Sounds great! Looking forward to the report on the Zombie game then! Always looking for new ways of playing with the undead :)

  5. Great photos and a great show. Glad you had a good time.

    1. I did have a good time. And a lot of that is down to the "Rejects" thank You.

  6. Great looking pics, I think I managed to identify most of the periods representedand was that a S.H.A.D.O vehicle in the 11th photo ?

    1. The game you refer to is the Captain Scarlett game put on by Warlords and run by Kev Dallimore. I can't see a SHADO vehicle. But there are 2 SPVs (Spectrum Pursuit Vehicles... the green/grey vehicles on the rights.) A Maximum Security Vehicle (the white one) and 2 bright red Captain Scarlet saloon cars, With engine trouble at this time!. Hope that helps.

  7. Cheers for the pics Clint, Not sure why I missed this yesterday it didn't appear in my reading list for some reason


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