Monday 5 November 2012

SAGA day at club

 We had a SAGA day at the club. I had to leave early so only got two games in. My first game was against Dave, (He's not really a club member as he belongs to Walderslade club, but he's a nice guy and was most welcome). I Had the Vikings and Dave the Normans. The picture shows my last turn. As you'll know I have only played one other game of Saga, which is about average at our club. So going against Dave who has played many games, has all the armies and is playtesting new ones for the producers would be a forgone conclusion you would think. And you would be right. He played fair and explained the rules as he went which was beneficial. However he did manage to beat me quite easily despite my best efforts.
My second game was against Patrick, also fielding Vikings. This was a much closer game and I was actually winning but I left my warlord exposed and Patrick was able to send a fresh unit of Hearthgurd against him. The Rest of Pats army was decimated and his leader about 18 inches behind his front line well out of reach. Without going into details too much in the fight my warlord rolled 5 dice, and scored 1,1,1,1,2. While Patrick managed to inflict 3 wounds on the warlord and I failed to save any of them!  Curses. The dice gods hate me!

The pics are just random shots of some of the other games in progress. All in all I did have fun despite loosing both games I played. As mentioned earlier in the post I left early to get some sleep as I am on silly amount of overtime at the moment. Given the overtime I might have to go dark later in the week simply through lack of time to get anything posted.

I shall post again on Wednesday as I have finished a couple of things, but after that who knows.
Anyway enough of my waffle for now. Take care, have fun and talk again soon. Cheers Clint.
Tim's Anglo Danes against Patricks Vikings

Kevs Normans vs Stuarts Vikings

Relfie played Anglo Danes

Andy's Welsh vs Relfies Anglo Danes. 


  1. Its all experience at the end of the day. Better luck next time mate.

    1. Next time? What next time, I'm putting them on Ebay! JK

  2. Fecking dice gods and digestives, thank goodness for eBay!

  3. Dice, they either love you or hate you...

    Still, it looked liked fun and there's always another day (and another period perhaps ?).

    1. Of course it was fun. The Joy of Saga is that it really is not a HUGE investment. Brush has touched metal for my next project. Nothing to show yet. But it is in the wings!

  4. See Clint the problem was you couldn't use your Posties Reject dice? If the rules catered for it I'm sure you would have gone a-stompin'!!!

    1. I have the ability to roll badly with whatever dice I pick up... it's a gift!


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