Friday 18 January 2013

Thank You!

Let me start by saying Thank You to all those who voted on my poll about scale for the WSS. I do appreciate the input and the comments advice and suggestions. I will take the poll down over the weekend, but for now I very brief discussion of the results.

Firstly let me say there is no CLEAR winner and it seriously did come down to just 1 vote separating the top three positions. I will admit to being a big fan of 10mm figures for a number of reasons for another project they might have been perfect.... should I ever do Zulu's for example or if there was a greater variety of modern cold war era stuff I would seriously consider that Scale.

15mm made a late run in the poll. Some of my club members (who did not vote BTW) have mentioned that they would want this scale. But when asked if they had any figures or any intention of getting some for this project, they all shook there heads and walked away quickly! I have not discounted their views but they have very different priorities. One ex-club member ( he's been too busy to attend for over a year, but still a decent chap) has started Great Northern war (GNW) in 15mm so if he gets some more free time and returns to the club I may get the opportunity to play in 15mm as well.

28mm has an obvious attraction. The units do look seriously good and that is no doubt why Beneath the lily banners has chosen them for the internal pictures within the rules. I am still tempted by this scale but as it stands I will try the 6mm 1/300th scale.

This morning I have sent for some Baccus 6mm WSS figures. My plan s to see how good they are paint a unit and then make the totally final decision. One club member thought I was going to just use 6 figures at this scale on each stand. I will wait and see when they arrive, but my current thinking is 3 stands to a unit with 24 figures on each stand, making 72 6mm figures in each unit. Baccus has 4 figures to a sprue so 6 sprues on each stand. Well that's the current thinking.

Due to working double shifts this week there has been a distinct lack of painting wargaming or other activity which did not involve sleep or work. However I do hope to get something done over the weekend and with luck I should have something to show come Monday. Thanks for reading, I hope the snow treats you well and take care and see you soon. All the best Clint


  1. Baccus stuff is serious nice and I can see WSS in this scale would look nice but for me 28mm rules

    1. I can understand your comment with regard to 28mm It does look fantastic. But 6mm wins for storage and transport so I'll give that a try first if it's not a good fit for me then I will try 28mm and see how I go.

  2. This is something I've been thinking about myself for the period, and I think I'm going with 28mm personally - very keen to try out BTLB

    1. Well it's only a small order with Baccus and if It does not give the effect I want I will also try 28mm. But I do hope that 6mm works for me. Thanks Kieran.

  3. Bloody Hell Clint 72 figures in one unit??? That's a lot of figures and damned expensive as well. To me the whole point of 6mm is to have a grand effect and save on the wallet too. Baccus are excellent figures, with a lot of detail, but they're very big, nearly 10mm?? That's what put me off in the end, well detailed 6-10mm figures and my eyes are not a good mix. 28's at the other end of the scale are the best, no doubt about that, but like you, I have trouble with storage, so it was 15's for me, cheap, easy to store and easy to paint!!!

    1. Not too expensive baccus do 96 figs for £6. (say 1 1/4 units aprox.) 15mm pack of 8 comes in at about £2.50 so would need more than 2 packs so about the same price I think.... time will tell. and 72 figures in a unit should look impressive. (well that's my thinking!!!) Never owned any Baccus before, but if they are closer to 10mm then may have less on a base. I won't know till I get my grubby mits on them.

  4. At least it will be lighter on the wallet and carrying them about certainly will be easy. Look forward to seeing them painted up and making an appearance here.

    1. About the same cost in money I would expect..... give or take. But TOTTALY agree about carrying them. With luck I should have something p[ainted in a weeks time.

  5. It'll look great in 6mm with 72 figure unit, lookingforward to seeing the trial unit.

    1. No garantee about 72 figs per unit I will have to wait and see them in the "Flesh" before I know. yes I am also keen to see a trial unit.

  6. The poll was interesting, I abstained as a lurker!
    Real life intrudes on my hobby time. I painted two platoons of scifi 28 marines last year, but that was only accomplished during the terminal leave from Afghanistan deployment. A whole year compacted into a few weeks post deployment. My kids are painting supers and like their dad, the paint by number detail of 28's and larger makes the limited hobby time worthwhile with easy to gauge goal marks.
    I'm a bit AAD in hobby interests. For myself, a skirmish band is easy in any period. My ACW and Penninsular War have been progressing with additional regiments. With the plastic kits of Perry and Victrix aiding greatly. I received two boxes of dragoons for Christmas that really need to get completed for Mr Sharpe to smash! Give me a couple years and I should have quite the horde for both periods.
    This is not to say that I dislike the smaller scales though. The ACW is intended for skirmish and is cav heavy to refight Miner Creek. Every time I view them in the case, I'm tempted to seriously dive in to 10's or 6's for the vista of Gettysburg or Antietam.

    1. Firstly let me say I appreciate the work you and the other guys are doing out in Afghanistan.

      Secondly Nice to meet you, all lurkers welcome and comments from all are welcome. (Well maybe not Trolls, but I'll just delete those ones). So feel free to lurk in the background or to comment as much or little as you wish.

      As the club had been sliding into pure skirmish for the last few years I wanted a big battle game so I am very happy with the results of the poll. 28mm figures do look good and the plastics do make them afordable and as Wargames Factory now do a range of plastices for WSS if 6mm does not work out..... well enogh said you know where the comment is going.

    2. ;)
      I was reading your blog overseas. Now that I'm home, I'm back into as full hobby immersion as family and work allow. I had a bit of a break in service, but am now well on the path for retirement...or rather translating military service into wargaming and fishing funds!
      I read about the WSS while overseas, it began as research in the FIW, or Queen Ann's War. The drama, politics, and errors made it a great read. But the described uniforms have made me look rather hard at the WF troops.
      That many of the British regiments formed in the WSS fought on in the the American wilderness, has bumped them up in priority.
      I'll finish illustrating the FIW units later! ;)


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