Wednesday 13 March 2013

BUF Armoured Car

Despite the weather, and not being able to do any work on the seascape boards up the garage I have not been totally idle. Although I was not able to undercoat anything new I did manage to re-paint a very old 20mm vehicle. Given that it had not been touched for about 20 years it was not in too bad a shape. Nothing needed repairing, just repainting and basing so all in all was a very swift job.  As you can see it is in British Union of Fascist (BUF) colours standard army green with a black accent colour, in this case turret. Thunderbolt flashes are also added to the turret just to make sure there is no mistaking.

The weather has brightened up today so I hope to be able to get some more terrain building done this afternoon. Or more realistically see what has gone wrong since last time. If I am lucky and nothing has gone wrong I can start on the beaches and land masses. But until I go and check who knows!!

That's it for today. Very quick I know, thanks for reading and I'll try to have something more substantial on Friday. All the best Clint


  1. I've not seen anything like this before. Rather nice looking I'd say.

    Hope the weather holds for more than just one day for you. Happy painting!

    1. Thanks Anne I should have said that the vehicle is a Rolls Royce Armoured Car. Sorry I forgot!

  2. Nice one Clint, a classic piece of kit.

    1. The Rolls Royce Armoured car saw service everywhere. Possibly the coolest Armoured Car of the era.

  3. Good looking model for a twenty-year old !

    1. yes been in a box in a cupboard for most of it's life, nice to dust it of and get a bit more action!

  4. Great job Clint, lovely work Sir.

    1. It will work for the setting. So I'm not unhappy with how it has turned out.

  5. Really, really nice work Clint. Looking forward to meeting up at the weekend.

    1. Cheers mate. yes meeting up should be good.


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