Tuesday 6 August 2013

TAR7AN Board update 5

 Ok not making any excuses, but it's "Summer Holiday" time so having to look after my nephew means I don't get as much hobby time as usual. Because of that I have not got any figures painted. So here's where I am on the board.

As you can see the stepping stones are now in place. Some tidying up to do but overall not too bad.

I have STARTED to paint the river. Only started mind so not the finished shades, but It should I hope, give a rough indication of where it is heading. at least 2 more shades of different blue and another green before I look towards the Varnish.

I have finished dry brushing the cliff. This takes it from a very plastic kids toy feel into a slightly more credible look. Once stains and some foliage is added it should start looking more realistic. At least that is the hope. I don't mind it looking a little cartoony but I don't want bit to look too ropey!

The temple entrance was treated as roughly as the cliff and yet still gives a passable result. I have yet to black in the doorway but even so you can see that it should work.

I would like to say I have more to share, but James (the nephew) has taken and will continue to take up time and effort to entertain. Which is not in any way a complaint, but is perhaps some part of an explanation.

I shall try to get some figures finished for Thursday. Basing and a lot of touching up to do on this next batch..... and due to my self imposed "Figure Fast" you will see they are not from current front runner projects but from something started a couple of years back!

That's it hurried out for today. Hope to see you Thursday. So until then take care have fun and enjoy the sun. All the best Clint.


  1. Looking well rough but in the good rough way:P

  2. It's nice to see all the steps in this project, rather than just the end result.

    How old is the nephew? Maybe you could rope him in to help :-) ?

    1. Nephew is 12 years old, and while he is a great and helpful chap he's not yet got enough patience to be of much use. Also his holiday time and is more interested in playing puter games, watching Tv and beating me at 40K.

      Nice thought though Colgar I appreciate it.

  3. That river is turning out great, I like the added greens. I know the temple is supposed to be chiseled out of the cliff, but you think there is anything you could do to make it pop out more? Perhaps some light reds, greens and blues as if it was once magnificently painted, but the paint has faded over the time?

    1. I shall do something to make it pop out, you are right it does need it!
      Interesting to talk about painted temples. The Temple in the final encounter of the Conan film was painted authentically in bright colours but the film director thought it looked wrong and insisted that they weather it dramatically.

      Thank you Mathyoo great suggestion which shall be implemented.

  4. Looking good (again) and I'm with Mathyoo on subtle weathered temple colours. Might I also suggest some greenery sparcely distributed about the cliff.
    Interesting to note that you're digging out some old stuff, I think this is an attempt to pretend it's new. in order to slake your thirst for new figures !

    1. Veg on the cliff already planned. But thanks for the thought.

      I don't need to show so much old stuff. I have so many old figures in the paint cue as it is. I have 10mm 15 mm 20mm and 28mm on the paint table as it is.

      On top of that I am thinking of re-basing at least 1 army, possibly 2!

  5. You've made fine progress since the weekend Clint. It's Pulp so it should look a bit cartoony. For me that's part of the appeal.

    Don't wear yourself out with the Nephew and post only if you are able.

    1. Just finished a 3.5 hour 40k game..... It's a struggle as he does not know the rules at all well and guesses a lot on things like hit numbers etc..... Work in an hour so I am insisting on some ME time. Just to unwind.

      Thanks Anne it is slowly coming along. Obviously I want to work faster but real life and apathy both get in the way.

  6. Now we're cooking, looks great to me Clint

  7. Really been enjoying seeing this come together. Agree with Anne, it's pulp so the temple should look colourful (but weathered)

    1. Your wish is my command I shall give the temple some more faded colour!

      Thank you Carl

  8. Coming along nicely Clint nice progress.

    1. Still lots to do but yes getting there. Thank you Simon

  9. Very impressive terrain, Clint. The carving into the cliff side is particularly imposing. Best, Dean

    1. Thank you Dean I really appreciate the comment.


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