Sunday 22 December 2013

Seasons greetings

I would like to wish all the blog members as well as casual Browsers a Merry Christmas and a Happy New year. I would like to extend that greeting to all who are close to you as well.

The Picture to the right made me chuckle so I hope it puts a smile on your face as well. And let's all hope this does not happen to Santa!

Right That's the non wargaming bit done, now onto the important stuff. I am still painting away for Curt's Challenge and will be sending a few pics in today for his "Non Combatants" bonus round in the desperate attempt to get an extra 50 points. Needless to say until he publishes them on his blog I am reluctant to put any piccies up here.

Oh Ok just one and not one I will be sending him then.

It's a wide shot so you can't see any detail at all really. But at least you will get some strange idea. The buggy and the landscape have both been seen on this blog before so we are only really looking at the 2 Crooked Dice Astronauts in the foreground. They were a joy to paint and I thoroughly enjoyed doing them even if it was mostly shades of off white. (5 in all, but you can't tell with my photography!) In fact I must say they were a right pain to photograph as the white tended to bleed out no matter what type of background I put them on.
Elsewhere on the painting table I have some more 10mm Samurai figures which just need basing. No Pictures of them until they are ready but I will try to get them finished and set out to Curt by this time tomorrow. Only 32 this time, but it is still a substantial amount of points......well 32 points to be fair.

After that I am not sure what I will tackle next, Maybe some Arabs but not totally sure. Talking of Arabs lest time I posted I mentioned a hankering for some colonial wargaming. Well it would make sense to me to use these Arabs and do some Rif War or Earlier Beau Jest type colonial wargaming. I have already got the terrain in both 1/300th and 1/72nd scale so it kind of makes sense to me. Still enough of this waffling on the brushes are calling. So until next time, take care and see you all soon.

Best wishes Clint


  1. And a very Happy Christmas to you too Clint, here's to a great 2014!

    1. Let's hope it will be better than 2013. Thank you Michael.

  2. Have a great Christmas, Clint. I wish you every happiness.

  3. Well lots more coming for the Painting challenge That's for sure. I have emailed Curt my non combatants so that should net me a few extra points.

    Thank you Loki.

  4. Replies
    1. Cheers Tamsin. I hope Santa gets you something Nice.

  5. Happy Christmas to you and yours and good luck with the rest of your challenge.

    1. Thank you Very much. And I hope your job is not overly burdensome over the festive period.

  6. Astronauts, huh? Any plans to do a black monolith to go with them :-) ?

    Anyway, a very Merry Christmas to you too!

    1. Black monument, that's a NO, Grey mothership.......hmmmm! no comment.

      And also Merry Crimbo to you and yours..

  7. Replies
    1. Less of the Old Boy you young whippersnapper you. merry Christmas. I did look for some sexy Santa picture just for you, but I liked the plane better.

      Thank you Fran. Have a good one mate.

  8. Happy Christmas buddy!

    The Astronauts are excellent. Have you seen the new moonbase crew coming out in January? They are superb!

    Have a good one mate look forward to seeing the additions to the samurai's ranks

    1. Thank you Simon I hope you and your family have a great Crimbo and that Santa has something special for you. More Pictures of the Astronauts will be on Curt's blog either later today or Tomorrow. I will blog them as well by Tuesday.

      Samurai Peasants a day or two after the Astronauts.

  9. Happy holidays Clint!
    Astronauts are great from what can be seen, but I especially like the moon table. You got any posts about it? I keep admiring it on the title photo :D

    1. There is a whole step by step guide to making the moon scape. I made it about two years ago I'll hunt out a link for you. It is actually very easy to do, but is time consuming and messy.

      Have a great Holiday and don't get too Merry. Don't let those pesky northerners lead you into unfortunate ways.

    2. Try (Sunday 18th December) for a step by step guide on how to make a moon scape.

    3. Thanks, I'll check it out!

  10. A very Merry Christmas to you too Clint!

    1. Thank you Dave. Let's all hope it's a really good one for everyone.

  11. Sorry I'm late Clint, still getting over this bug I've caught.

    That's quite a build you've got there! Looking forward to seeing your Bonus Round entry close up.

    Have a Happy Christmas!

    1. Thank you Anne I will be blogging every other day as normal.
      Take care and have some fun.

  12. Have a wonder Christmas there and a glorious New Year for you and your family

  13. Happy Christmas Clint, and Clint's Bloggy mates. So how's the Deadzone coming along, that must be top priority :)

    1. Thank you Dave and Happy Christmas to you and your family as well. As for Deadzone, Now the club is not meeting until the 12th January I have hardly started Deadzone. But you are right to remind me. I will start it very soon. Promise.

  14. Clicking on the photo to get the whole scereen image shows just how good your astronauts are. I assume from your tone that that the challenge "work" will continue on apace over the holiday period too, so good luck with that and have a good holiday !

    1. Sent in my latest entry to the challenge about 1 hour ago. And currently working on the entrance fee and expect that done by Boxing day at the very latest. I am trying to get ahead of myself as I will have two wargames boards to build for the day After the challenge ends. So really need to get a bit more organised.

      In short yes I will be working a little every day. I plan a great "holiday" period with lots and lots of painting! I hope you have a great time as well. Cheers Jo

  15. A very Merry Christmas to you and yours Clint. Hope you all have a great time.

    1. Thank you Carl. All the best to you and those close to you.


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