Thursday, 11 June 2015

The Rusty Regiment (Part 2)

I know some of you will be turning away in disgust! I must admit if it was on some other blog I might well do the same such is my dislike of GW. However my love of my nephew is stronger. So to that end here are the latest batch of Necrons. Right that's the mushy stuff over with.

Necrons as I am sure most of you will know are the GW scifi Undead of the 40k universe and actually very nice models. Personally I MUCH prefer the older Necrons and not the new fancy stuff in the hardback codex. Of late it seems to have become more vehicle orientated, but not in a good way. So I will be sticking pretty much to the older models except Pariahs as they are not in the new codex!

So Today just 10 rank and file Necron Warriors. This is the third time that I have painted these figures and I suspect the last, (Crosses fingers).  As you can see I am using liberal amounts of the rust paint to give the decayed left on an abandoned world for a million years look which I really like. Did the Romans think that the future would be all polished marble and clean streets? Well if they did they were wrong, at least where I live. So we have a dirty grimy shabby decaying future. And in my 40k Universe rusty necrons. In your 40k universe they might all be shiny and bright and there is nothing wrong with that either, Just each to their own.

The Crystals on a few of the bases (the purple bits), are made from model sprue just whittled into shape and paint slapped on. They take a while probably because I don't like doing them. But I do like the result so they will appear on every 4th base or so.

My posting schedule is a bit mucked up at present. But I will do another blog post before Sunday and the Broadside wargames show. Just a pre-show shopping list and believe me it is not expected to be a very big list at all.

So until then, take care have fun and enjoy the weather no matter is wet or dry as there is nothing us mere mortals can do to change it, only the way we think about it.

Cheers Clint


  1. What a good Unc you are Clint!

    1. A huge compliment coming from a good dad. Thanks Ray.

  2. Codexes!!!? Well this is the wargamer's equivalent of taking the fall (going to jail in American slang) for family. Beyond being a great painter you're also a great family man Sir well done.

    1. Thanks Robert, that is so kind of you to say.

  3. A very noble sacrifice my friend. Actually while I'm not as enamoured of GW as I was when I was a wee nipper, I do like sci-fi figures in general and these look pretty cool. Love the 'rust' btw.

    1. Thanks Lee. I suspect that many of us actively dislike what GW has become. The rust is just so easy to achieve with that paint I got at salute.

  4. Great to see you encouraging the next generation mate.

    1. Thanks Millsy. Even with x-box and all that stuff he still wants to play.

  5. I love the contrast between their corroded bodies and the glowing, clean-looking weapons :-) .

    You might like to know that I've put a few of my own unfinished Necrons on the painting table (not that I've really got the space or time for these!). I've even ordered some different-coloured rods for their guns, so we'll see where that goes...

    1. Thanks C6. The difference between the necrons and the weapons is clean now pointed out but not something I had considered before.

      No don't do it.... that way is madness. (Hee hee). Do not start down the necron path it is pure folly! (I look forward to seeing some nice bright shiny Necrons)

  6. I've got to say that I rather like them, even if they are GW - the shame, I know.

    1. Thanks Michael. It is funny how our own prejudices, mine at the fore-front of my mind, influence our figure selection and even projects.


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