Thursday 27 October 2016

5 Burpa Cavalry

 Yes the Burpa force continues. This time with 5 Burpa cavalry

While they are brightly dressed they should be quite fearsome in the charge. They all have melee weapons and some have rifles as well. How they will function in whatever set of rules we will have to wait and see. I believe they are all Wargames foundry figures and are of course destined for Matts collection.

There are more on the way as I am painting another 5 as well. yes I will do a group shot when finished.

Just a quick note to say I will be doing a secret Santa this year and will try to get a list on this blog tomorrow.

Until then take care have fun and if possible paint something.

Also whileI think I have a busy weekend so Game turns may be late and only get finished on Monday. To try to pervert this I will start a few either tonight or tomorrow.

Thanks for reading. see you soon.

All the best from Clint


  1. Very nice! Elphinstone better watch out!

    1. Thank you David. I will admit I did need to look up who Elphinstone was. Thanks for that a little more knowledge gained. I appreciate it.

  2. Very nicely painted, Clint. Your choice of background photographs really show off your figures to their best.

    1. Thank yuo Bryan. . I should get the next 5 finished by Sunday.

  3. I love the way you've been painting these Burpas Clint, another top job!

    1. Thank you Andy. I was disappointed with how they turned out if I am honest. I shall just have to make the next 5 better.

  4. Very nice Clint. O like the chap in yellow, he really stands out.

  5. Replies
    1. Thank you Tamsin. Personally I am a little disappointed in the photos but they look OK in the flesh.

  6. Replies
    1. Thank you Adam. 5 more coming. They may need to wait until after the weekend though

  7. I painted a dozen or so of these Foundry figures recently myself. Excellent sculpts and good results. Yours are a little more flamboyantly dressed than mine, though.

    1. Thanks Jonathon. The next 5 are not quite so bright. And they should be finished tomorrow night.

  8. This project is definitely starting to eclipse your VBCW painting, Clint, and that was great stuff!! Love the bright colours and the dappled grey horse; wonderful contrasts.

    1. Thank you Blax. Working on the last 5 just now and should be ready to show them pretty soon.

  9. A tad brighter than your usual fare, but once the rest of the group (there is more right?) are done then I'm sure they'll all blend in together. Whilst there's nothing wrong with the sculps, I'm not a big fan of the Foundry horses, but can't quite put my finger on why. (love the speckled grey btw)

    1. Thank you Joe. yes there are more and with luck finished by tomorrow morning. (But not shown until Wednesday). I know what you mean about Horses. I think most sculptors se people every day not horss less frequently so many sculptors just have to work from photos. And while the camera does not lieneirther does it tell the whole truth.


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