Well not VERY much finished at present. No Joe no group shots of Burpa Cavalry. Instead I have been trying colours for the 6mm Sci Fi Idea I have. These trucks are by Brigade games (Local to me about 12 miles away). They are actually South African Confederation "Hippo" Trucks. 3 Flat beds and one Office body. Nice little 2 piece castings, the basic chassis and the type of body or flat bed. So pretty basic and easy to assemble and not mush cleaning up either.

So no fuss no muss a few trucks at 6mm for sci fi gaming. 15mm Sci Fi Players will be delighted to know that the flatbed is also available in that scale. I did want to paint them all white and then try different camo schemes out on them Well that was the plan!

However as always happens the plan just did not work. I painted the first flatbed (No 1 in the bottom picture yellow to start! Yes I know yellow in a snowy setting would stand out, but I was thinking it might be a commercial vehicle and as such standing out in snow might be a good idea. I saw the results and that plan quickly failed and knowing army trucks are painted in camouflage re-painted it white. I know I know foolish mistake to paint it yellow to start with.

So starting with white (again) I just settled on "squiggly" blue patches/lines. I will admit I did like the finished look so much I painted the other 3 the same way. My plan to make them all different and then decide went straight out of the window as I hit on the right (Right for me) colour combination almost immediately. So I have 8 more to do but they can wait a few weeks until the AHPC starts as they will be quick easy points to get the ball rolling.
Curt has made the announcement for the Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge again this year and I have of course signed up. Here is a link
Click |ME! that should take you straight there. The theme of this year is "Camaraderie" and the entry fee will be a figure (or figures) painted by 2 or more participants. Usually when it comes to painting I am a BILLY NO MATES type of guy! I have no issue with that. But the rules state I should team up. Luckily for me I was contacted by another painter whose work I do strongly admire and he suggested we become a team. So My Partner in crime is MR LEE. (No NOT Angry Lurker, nor Big Lee). I have sent a couple of emails out to others to see if they want to join us but as yet no reply from them. So I suspect they have plans of their own. So I wish them well and good luck. But IF you are taking part in the AHPC this year and want to join a team leave a comment or drop me an eail and I will let you know.
OK Back to the Burpas now. Have a good day everyone and take care of those close to you.
All the best Clint
6mm? I was surprised to see they were only 6mm! Nice work!
ReplyDeleteTHanks David. There are some very nice 6mm sculpts about these days and 6mm is so easy to paint.
Deletenice work Clint - 6mm I'm always amazed people can even see these minis let alone paint them, well done!
ReplyDeleteThanks Andy. I have a lot of 6mm CW to paint for the AHPC this year. And I agree they are small, BUT when you have enough the forces do look very good indeed. Which is not saying MINE will turn out looking that good.
DeleteNice work Clint, but I can't help thinking that a third colour, maybe a mid-to-dark grey would add just that little something extra to the camo :)
ReplyDeleteThank you Tamsin. Funnily I was thinking of a grey but decided against it for fear of over cluttering the vehicles.
DeleteNicely done, Clint. I do agree with Tamsin that a third colour would enhance them a lot.
ReplyDeleteThank you Bryan, as mentioned above a grey was considered but at the British army (Circa 1980's) only used green and Black I decided against the grey. As mentioned above I did think they would become too cluttered.
DeleteI think they are fine as is, like you I feel a third colour would take something from them
Thanks Ian. Look out for an email from me as well.
DeleteGreat looking colour scheme, very chilly!
ReplyDeleteThanks Michael. Maybe I should paint these in the summer and not the winter!
DeleteLove the camo scheme enormously, Clint, and would be honored to do a joint AHPC entry with your tip-top self, should you think it possible?
ReplyDeleteThanks Simon. I have sent you an email this morning to establish contact. It also has my initial thoughts on what as a team we should submit. get back to me if it sound feasible to you.
DeleteNice work Clint, reminds me of the early British tank camo pattern in the WWII desert campaign.
ReplyDeleteThank you Ray. I am looking at British Desert Camo patterns of WW2 at the moment so perhaps there is a link. But it was not intentional on my part.
DeleteAll look great dude. I have some urban camo to do on some models I might nick the colours you've chosen for there uniforms.
ReplyDeleteThank you Simon. feel free to take colour inspiration from anything I paint. You would be more than welcome to do so. In fact I would be verty flattered if you did so.