Wednesday 4 April 2018

Long Ships (2nd Unit)

Yes some more 15mm Vikings for my second unit in Longships. Longships in case you had forgotten is the Peter Pig game of the same name concerned with Viking/Anglo Saxon warfare.

As we only have 400 points here is another unit ( a small one). ! leader (compolury), 3 Un-armoured stands (again compulrory) and 3 Armoured stands. Only 7 stands in the unit but 3 armoured stands count this unit as superior!

A mixture of makes. Tabletop games, two Dragons, Minifigs and a few I just do not know. So if you do more power to you as I have no idea. But they are all 15mm in size. I do not mind some being taller then others after all we are all different in real life.

I went for a Blue and white shield colour scheme just to conveniently tell one unit apart from another and NOT being historically accurate. As this will count as a Superior unit I hope it will aquit itself quite well on the tabletop although I know a few bad dice rolls and the unit will flee. But this will be the standard unit composition of my force. At least until a few games in and I reserve the right to reassess te force when I see how it plays.

That's it for now. More 15m coming soon and some 28mm now started. Until next time take care and paint as much as you feel like.


  1. I would struggle to paint figures this small so I admire your ability to paint such small figures so well.

    1. Thank you Bryan. I want to paint them better, I really do. I shall endeavour to do so once this are finished

  2. How you paint these small chaps is beyond me Clint, bravo Sir.

    1. Thank you Michael. Some more Vikings in 2 more days then with LUCK some 28mm figs but do not hold your breathe.

  3. Another great looking unit Clint

    1. Thank you Dave. Always more to do though. Another 3 units PLUS skirmishers>

  4. Good addition Clint, how many more before you make the full force?

    1. Thank you joe. 3 more units and some skirmishers. Skirmish unit now finished will show on Sunday most likely (well when I say finished working on the bases when I get a chance)

  5. having just tried to paint 10mm chariots, this is a fine effort mate believe me

    1. Thank you Andy. More 15mm over the weekend. Maybe 2 lots I will need to see how I get on. Then some 10mm or some 28mm not sure yet. Maybe both..... yes I am greedy.

  6. Nice job Clint. Good looking unit

    1. Thank you Simon. It is a shame I am not in the mood to paint at the moment. It makes it a struggle.

  7. Good lookin' models...And a nice backdrop for the pictures. Nice one sir!

    1. Thanks Lee. The models are really old and have at least 3 paint jobs, so details are getting "Faded". But they have served me well and with luck will keep doing so.

  8. Great idea with the shield colours, Clint. I too prefer easier identification on the tabletop over historical accuracy any day; especially having previously been 'criticised' for not using a Dalek's correct colour scheme before!?!

    1. Thank you Simon. Pay NO attention to what people say about the colours of SCI fi Figures. All it means is that are not the correct colours according to a very narrow minded person.

      But I do try (and often fail) to get historical colours correct as that can all be verified. But if they are ever wrong remember "No Monument in the world has ever been erected to a critic!"


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