Tuesday 5 June 2018

Sci Fi Scatter

Terrain workbench
Yep still on the terrain building. This is the scatter terrain I have finished SO FAR. Yes that does imply I have not finished. In fact I already have some started and at the show on the weekend I shall try to buy/acquire more.

The joy of making terrain is you can use anything, additionally it can be any scale particularly if doing Science Fiction which I am.
Wargames Terrain Workshop

Here are 2 Crystals from Wargames Terrain workshop. They have been seen on the blog before, but never used.

I did have to make and paint 2 new bases so they now match in with the terrain but all in all a quick fix and easily done. I suspect they will e for sale at the show. And it all comes down to how much I manage to sell. I am in two minds wheter on the clumps to stick with this colour or to change it up and go for Blue?  I will most likely wait and see what cash I have on the day and what is available at the show. Rochester Wargames and Train siop will be at the show and I know they will stock WTW so I will Just have to wait and see.

 Craters. Yes Built by me. On the workbench I have 5 finished and Until I make additional boards these 5 should be MORE than enough.

Again as you can see from the colours they fit onto the boards very well. One would almost think (and Rightly so) that I used exactly the same colours straight from a tin! The problem is the more scatter terrain you have someone (quite often me as it happens) decided the board can be "Improved" with. When sometimes more terrain make it just too cluttered.

 Next up are two hills. Trust me they are there they are just painted to blend in. I already have another hill on the work bench and can see several more being needed. These are a small hill at the back and a medium hill in the centre. Three more hills are planned but they should (fingers crossed) be gentle and easy to traverse. More on the gentle hills if/when I get them done.

You never know there may be some at the show and then money may stop me from getting all I could possibly want!

 Vegitation. In an ideal world I would have more of this. I shall NEED to keep my eyes peeled. these came as of casts from £land when I was looking to get jungle trees. The bases again were repainted to blend in with the terrain and they do now look the part. I am reluctant to buy more from £land as I only got 3 for the £ and I quite possibly need a LOT more.

Yet more Crystals from Warrgames Terrain Workshop, this time in BLUE. I like the blue a lot as they do stand out on the boards. So I am in 2 minds if I should stick  with the blue or get some of the maroon. Both options have merits and I am sure I will enjoy pondering the outcome and then on the day buy the wrong ones! These are mounted on square mdf bases which have been painted and textured to fit in with the boards.

Planned terrain. Clearly I need some buildings but other than that I am looking for what ever looks right. I shall enter the show with an open mind and see what is available.  I do plan to make a "farm" but I know from experience that players will try to identify the components. This does tend to P*SS me off as they are quick to criticise and SLOW to do anything themselves. I will need to overcome this thought process in my own mind if not in theirs. I will of course show any workings on a  "Farm" as it happens and as I get further along. At Present I am thinking of using fizzy pop bottles as the farm base and to hell with the critics.

That's it for today. I really do need to get my armies prepped for the show and if not sold prepped for EvilBay.

Take care, have fun and paint like a crazy person!


  1. They all work perfectly Clint, especially having linked the bases in to the surface palette.

    1. Thank you Michael. It all made sense to me to link it all. When I eventually get around to sorting the figures out I think I will rebase them as well. Just to keep everything cohesive.

  2. Progressing really well Clint, hope you get your models finished in time for the show, so you don't need to use Evilbay !

    1. Thank you Dave. While not a big fan of Evilbay it does have it's plus points. I strongly doubt I will sell every army even if I manage to sell one it will be worth it.

  3. Another great posting, Clint. As Michael mentions the linked bases are a very good idea. That’s a great ‘moonscape’ tabletop you’ve assembled :-)

    1. Thank you Blax. As always there is more to come. And while the boards started as a moonscape it is metamophosising into a generic sci fi cratered planet.

      Interesting side note the moon is actually brown and not grey! Yeah I found that out on QI!

  4. Nice terrain Clint :)

    I'll have a rummage through my foliage box to see if I have any bits that might be of use and will bring them down to Broadside on Sunday.

    1. Thank you Tamsin . That's very kind of you. I am making some Fudge today make sure you scrounge some from Tony and Phil (brigade games). Just in case I don't pack enough.

  5. Great stuff Clint, really works well

    1. Thank you Andy. I have more hills planned as well as a farm and some buildings (which will be different from the farm!

  6. All of your scatter terrain ties in so well with your game board. It all looks good to me. :-)

    1. Thank you Bryan. I find your words very comforting.

  7. Nice looking scatter. It all blends in nicely with board and looks naturally like it should be there.

    1. Thank you Simon. believe it or not that was the plan! NOW looking for some Alien models in 15mm

  8. Nice. One of the advantages of a sci-fi setting, weirder is better!

    1. Thank you Lee. The weirder the better you say. Personally I like my science fiction welded in fact!

  9. Nice stuff Clint.. love the crystals

    1. Thank you Dave. The Crystals were purchased as I wanted trees too be very rare and yet I wanted some form of forest /"wood" for rules purposes.

  10. Gatting all the terrain looking the same is a pain but your decision to start over has really paid off.
    (I got 4 purple plants in my £land topiary ball!)

    1. Thank you Joe . I only had 3 purple plants in my ball which at the time was I thought an advantage. Now I wish there were more!


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