Delivery was very prompt. I ordered late Thursday night and it arrived on Wednesday morning after a bank holiday. Everything is well wrapped and I am confident other deliveries to me will be equally swift.
All prices are correct at time of publication.
1 T72 A (Mk I believe). £4.40. 2 Parts. A Standard Soviet main battle tank still seen in 2nd rate units and in satellite nations. BUT for cold war 1980s perfect! This 15mm model was simple to assemble (der the turret goes on the hull) and required next to no work. Apart from paint this tank can be played with straight from delivery. This is deffinitley on further shopping lists as I shall need 1 or 2 more at least to start.
1 SA13 "Gopher!" Again 15mm and again £4.40. Obviously it comes in 3 parts, and requires some assembly and cleaning up. I have not started it yet but I have high hopes. I needed (I thought) some air-defence and this made a pleasant change from the Zvezda Shilkas . Cost wise it is cheaper and I suspect more robust. Although on the last point time will be the judge.
1 SDKFZ 7 with quad 20mm (to scale) AA guns. This is ww2 german. It comes in a choice of variants, it come in at £4.13,. I went for the unarmoured deployed option. Of the medels I got this needs the most work but I am hopeful it shall be straight forward and easy. NONE of the vehicles comes with crew but that is an easy fix I suspect. (Looking into it today). Again 15mm and for the price well worth the sligh hassle of cleaning up.
1 BA 3 Russian armoured car. THIS IS 1/200th or 10mm) I changed scale for 2 reasons. firstly this is for my Spanish Civil War wargames. This cost £2.20 again it comes in a variety so just read abut and then order the one you want. There is tidying up to do but nothing that should put a serious wargamer or modeller off. It most definitely does not put me off. It is about 1/2 the price of a similar Pendraken one so fill your boots!
With the exception of the BA3 armoured car all the models shown are 15mm (or 1/100) for wargaming purposes. BEFORE odering I would watch the Vidio the company has on youtube. ALSO be aware that as they are 3d printed perfect curves are NOT going to happen. But if you can get past that they are great wargames models.
As I only have wargames vehicles that is the only criteria I use to judge them. That side they are perfectly good for wargaming. And as that is what I want I shall order more.
Yeah but I don't play 15mm. Well good news they also make them in 20m and 28mm (but the price as expected does increase. So have a look and you may see what you are looking for. Afterall what have you got to loose.
BRMD2 Armoured Car.
Firstly it took about 10-15mins to clean up. So I would suggest make a cuppa before you start. The Plastic cuts easily ad with a scalpel (no 11 blade if that makes a difference to you, it makes very little difference to me). I did find the model light so added an MDF base. Although it should not get eaily moved on the table really. To me though a base finishes it off nicely.
There are only 2 parts so a very quick internet search (If you have NO common sense) will show you how it should look when finished. There really is very little to it. I am confident you will do a good job. It is worth highlighting that there is no accurate curves and they are instead made up of little steps. But the steps are so small that a layer or two if paint will reduce them dramatically. As wargaming pieces go you will already have dealt with bigger metal flash issues.
Overall I am impressed and will paint it tonight but expect no issues. I am already planning my next order and maybe get some larger scales to try out. But generally I would buy some items from this company (If you have a reason to) and make the judgement for yourself. I have and I like them
All the best Clint
Great new additions Clint, have had several 3D print's done for the company, but haven't bought any just for my hobby as yet, so very interesting to see and the prices are very reasonable
ReplyDeleteThank you Dave. 3d Printing is not something I have really encountered before. Thus for me it was important to acknowledge it. So Far I am impressed, very impressed.
DeleteNice batch, Clint. As you are now aware, 3d printers can print at any scale (within reason) and I'm glad my brother has a 3D printer and is happy to print out whatever I want. I'm sure I'll end up getting one myself in the future.
ReplyDeleteThank you Bryan. I shall pass on the 3D printer as I am sure that as time goes by many people will have a far better understanding than me, and will produce thing to a far better standard than I ever will. I hope to finish the first of the vehicles before Sunday and be ready TO SHOW A FINISHED ITEM.
DeleteReally nice models. Makes me think I can pass on a 3D printer and just buy stuff from people who know how to use them.
ReplyDeleteThank you Padre. They are my thoughts as well. I shall paint for another 15 mins or so tonight and then call it quite as I have the basic colours for this model now and it needs to dry overnight!
DeleteThere is no getting away from it 3D printing is definitely having an impact on the hobby. These look great Clint.
ReplyDeleteThank you Michael. Yes I feel slow of the mark with this but I am catching up fast!
DeletePost script: Glad you got the pressie. Hope you have a good read.
Nothing like a bit of retail therapy to get the juices flowing.
ReplyDeleteThese models do look excellent and should be easy enough to clean up where necessary (dependant upon the material being used).
3D printing has come a long way.
Thank you Joe. I should show one finished tomorrow. On the finishing touches tonight. And you are right 3d printing has come a very long way.
DeleteNice looking models.
ReplyDeleteThank you Lee. I must say I am impressed with the current 3d Printing, I shall get more.
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