Friday 6 July 2012


Still working on some PBI stuff. This is the Peter Pig Sherman objective marker. It is a one piece resin casting. Mine needed no cleaning up at all. So just an undercoat then straight to paint. Painted in acrylics and then a satin varnish. The details is well cast and come out clearly on the model. I found no air bubbles or defects. The bottom had also been sanded flat before purchase. So all in all my model came in the most excellent condition.

Work has started on my next objective marker, which is a lot more home made than this one. And as such does require more work. I hope to finish it over the weekend.
 Yesterday I sent for the "Empire of the Dead" rules. At £30 I think they are expensive. But I had talked about a "Van Helsing" (film) game some 6 months ago with a friend who had broken his ankle (Captive audience to bore..... ) He'll also read this blog so he'll know who I am talking about. Another Club member (Relfie) wanted to try these rules. I am provisionally setting a 3 week deadline to get a trial game together. Other than werewolves I think I already have enough to put two forces together. I will need to do a repaint job on some of them, but I think three weeks is a realistic deadline. Time will tell. I can start painting over the weekend and I can treat the deadline as a challenge.

That's it for today, I'll post again on Sunday. Have a good weekend and see you soon.


  1. You really are productive aren't you ?

    It's a good looking model with some nice detail, I'm pleased to see that you haven't gone ott on the damage.

  2. I work a split shift which gives me a few hours each day.

  3. Thats a nice objective. Especially if you use it as an Axis force!

    1. Gonna be a US objective marker. It is only representational, just a marker. That way if They fight the Japanese for example it's still appropriate.

  4. Nice work Clint, the Empire of the Dead sounds interesting!

    1. Mixed feelings about EotD. Time will tell.

  5. Great painting Clint, although not my thang, I've heard a lot of good about EotD rules, apart from the price ...of course!

    1. EotD was bought with part of my Tax rebate.... Don't get excited it still does not make me as wealthy as Big Lee!!

      I know not your Thang. As Thangs go not sure we have too much cross over, but that's ok! Each to thier own.


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