Sunday 16 September 2012

WIP PBI Panthers.

As you can see not quite there yet, but here are 2 Panther tanks for the start of my late war German PBI force. I settled on the Panther tank as my tank of choice, simply because I have always liked them. No other reason. In PBI I doubt I shall ever need more that 2 they are just too effectctive/expensive. Veteran would cost you 67 points each out of your 400 point total. So two would be more than 1/4 of your total points when the game is focused on infantry. As such they cannot hold any objectives, although they can deny them to your opponent. Still work to do on them of course as I have been sidetracked into doing some stuff for Skirmish show next weekend. But at least It allows me to put some photos on the blog. And we all like piccies.
OK on to what I have actually managed to get done on this Skirmish show game. So far I have had a train journey to collect some more figures, which took all my spare time yesterday. I make no apologies for this, it needed to be done and Karl at Crooked dice has at least said he will pay for the small amount of figures I needed for the game. I shall take some of his stock from him in exchange. I get more figures, and he gets to keep his cash! Everyone wins. I have also designed a player hand out for the show with our club details on one side and a very very brief game introduction on the reverse. So while I have nothing to show at this stage it is all getting finished behind the scenes. And now I shall go and start painting the alien menace which will be one force in the two scenarios.
That's it today as I have a lot to do. Thanks for reading I shall post again on Tuesday hope to get something off of the painting table by then. All the best Clint.


  1. Nice cats Clint, myself, Ray and Postie will see you on Sunday!

    1. Excellent with luck we can get you all in a game as well.

  2. Nice tanks Clint, as Fran said, we'll see you on the 23rd!

    1. Excellent be good to see you there. Hope I can get all three of you playing as well. If I can force you to play something UN-historical!!!

    2. shiverrrrrrrrr! moannnnnnnn! groannnnnnnnn!
      And its misery's birthday too!

  3. Nice Panther's mate, Good Luck with the game and fun

  4. Nice job on the camo, one of the more difficult colour schemes to pick too.

    1. That sounds like the voice of experience. Slowly getting there, more work to do yet.

  5. Sweet looking Camo, gotta love the Panther Tanks.

    1. Yeah Panthers are great. I deffo have Panther love... expensive points but should scare other players!


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