Tuesday 5 February 2013

BUF Armour.

Good morning. Firstly let me say that you to all the readers lurkers and followers who have pushed me over the 20,000 page views. I really do appreciate the time and effort you expend watching my exploits in wargames. I am sure all bloggers say it but without the readers, blogging is in My view a partnership. And as such without readers Blogging is fairly pointless.

This my first post with the new computer. Still not managed to get to Grips with Windows 8, but I feel confident that I shall. (Given enough time, patience and medication!!)

Here we have a single British Union of Fascists tank in 20mm. This is one of my very very old SHQ models re-painted and based and now ready for action. I won't be doing much in the way of tanks for either force but while I am able to re use existing items that I own I shall do so. Call it wargames recycling if you will. This Vickers Mk IV carries a black livery as well as BUF lightning bolt markings. It also has BUF on the front section of armour. The flag pole carries not the "Union Flag" as we know it but a different version. (This is mostly because I have a few spare and not for any political statement.)  While I am sure that many people will identify it as being different they will know that it is for VBCW and as such is not trying to be the modern flag. This flag has been adopted by some of the Kentish BUF due to an unhappy relationship with Eire. Once Ireland has come under BUF sway they will of course be happy to include them on the flag as well, but until such times they will not be considered. The real reason for using this particular design is that I have a sheet of them that won't get used otherwise, but don't tell anyone!

That's it for today. thanks for reading and now we shall all push on to the 25, 000 milestone. All the best Clint!


  1. Congrats on reaching another blogging milestone, Clint.

    Nice paint job on the tank. Any particular reason for basing it? I only ask because the only vehicles that I base are motorcycles.

    1. As I based the Austin Tilley and as a re-used model it's tracks were in poor shape, so it made sense to keep the consistency with the Austin and try to hide the track damage! Only thing is that now that I have done so all other vehicles will need the same treatment!!

  2. I like the black vibe. Everybody has neutral tones or camo tanks, yet nothing says I'm a metalic hound of death like a simple black!

    1. Thanks David. Black is not too bright and I wanted it to look a little menacing as well. Given that VBCW BUF wear black tunics I thought it was appropriate.

  3. Let the arms race begin !
    Great looking vehicle, I love some of the very esoteric armour found between the wars.

  4. Start your engines! I also like the interwar era for weapons, mostly because they have a homespun look to them.

  5. Congrats on your milestone. The VBCW bug has bitten me well and truly. I've plastic figures in ranks waiting to be painted and a squadron of FT 17 awaiting building. Sceanarios coming out of my ears, just not enough time.

    1. VBCW is addictive. I actually want some FT 17s for my Anglican League. (A club member has a Char 1 bis which will be a monster in the game.) As for scenarios, Yes they flow thick and fast!

  6. Well done on the 20K mark your obviously doing it right!!

    The BUF tank looks great mate, simple yet very effective colour scheme for it

    1. Thanks Brum. Right or wrong it's the way that works for me I can't imagine doing it another way.

      Originally I was just going to do the turret black.... but I spilled paint!! So turned it all black hee hee.

  7. Nice work Clint! And well done on the 20K!!!

    1. Cheers Ray. I am happy with 20k hits. But I know that's nothing when compared to you big boys!


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