Sunday 21 April 2013

Salute Loot!

I  was very very very very restrained at Salute yesterday. There were a number of reasons for this. Firstly there was nothing I could not get at other times or places. Secondly I was not in a spending mood. Thirdly I did not find any extra special deals, I am sure there were some but I must have missed them. Fourthly I am actively trying to reduce the unpainted mole hills of lead that dot the house. And Fifthly for me, at least, there was not a "Must Have" that really grabbed me at the show. So overall I was very restrained.

  • Dead Mans Hand... a new set of Wild west rules. With a name like Clint it's almost an unwritten law that you have to be interested in the period in some way.
  • Four packs of Napoleonic ships from "Tumbling Dice" Merchant vessels for the Broadside game.
  • Some 15mm Sci Fi GZG stuff.
  • Pack of Weird West figures by Ainsty Castings. (These are really nice, sculpted by Ian Mountain).
  • and the Salute Freebies of dice and Salute miniature.
And that was all I bought. Not a huge list. I did leave the show thinking I should have bought this or that but overall I am very happy with what I did buy. And more importantly I had a good day out. Which of course is worth a lot!

I shall do a show post on Monday. That should get me back to my normal blogging schedule.

All the Best  and have a good Sunday. Clint


  1. How very restrained of you, my money was burning a hole in my pocket!

    1. Yes It was a surprise to me as well. I came home with over £200 in my pocket.

    2. Surprisingly I only ended up spending just over £20 in the end. Still a great day though and Mathyoo and I even managed to get in on a quick game before the end.

    3. Nice to meet you and I'm glad you got a game in.

    4. Very restrained but you were happy with that, I'm still going through my madness and Dave only spent £20.00!

    5. Yes very happy with what I bought. I am very surprised I did not spend more. I must be getting tight fisted in my dotage!

      The highlight of the day was when I turned round in the que and saw you Ray and postie about 8 people away. So I could join you all for a pre game chat. Always a joy mate.

  2. Good on you for showing such restraint and strength of willpower, Clint.

    I received the figure you sent me yesterday and I'd like to thank you very much for him. Whilst he is too sci-fi to use in ATZ I can certainly find a use for him in my Judge Dredd games, most likely as a Citi-Defence Trooper.

    1. Excellent. I know I would not get round to using him so a new home is the best result for all.

  3. Grat to say hello, albeit briefly and I admire your restraint, wish I could say the same about myself!

    1. Very glad to have met you too. I would have liked a brief chat but I think we both got distracted. Still very good to put a face to the name.

  4. I'm not surprised at your purchase of Dead Man's Hand, but I am surprised by the SF purchase. I didn't know you painted that genre.

    Glad to hear you had a grand time of it.

    1. Hi Anne. At one time or other I have painted and played every wargames period from Prehistoric to far future. As well as fantasy (both low fantasy and high fantasy) as well as TV/film/book inspired periods.

  5. Kudos on the spending restraint and for meeting other bloggers.
    Such a small haul of goodies, but on the other hand quality not quantity eh ?

    1. Seriously Jo you will like the Weird west figures, every one's a winner. SO I hope quality but until you try a set of rules it's hard to know.

      As for restraint it's probably a once in a lifetime thing.

  6. Well done on being so restrained mate. Im afraid after the blogger meet up I had some serious shiny magpie moments and came away with a camel train and section of sherpa's to carry away my loot!!!

    1. Darn I missed you at the bloggers meet!!!. I have detailed my reasons for my thrift. Also as I went on my own I was not caught up in the feeding frenzy of any club impulse buys of pervious events.

  7. Gosh thats a nice haul and I hoe you like the game.

  8. It looks to be a good haul by my standards! I am involved in so many eras and scales that my haul would be equally eclectic! I'm seriously jealous of all you fine fellows who went to Salute! ;)

    1. Oscar Wilde Said "Consistency is the last refuge of the unimaginative!" Therefore you must be very imaginative David. I hope brush touches figure on at least one of those models today. I'll start, but can't see me finishing it this day.

  9. Very nice haul Clint, very interested to see how 'Dead mans hand' goes with you and also interested to see what you do with the GZG stuff.

    1. I won't get a chance to play Dead Mans Hand for about a month so don't hold your breathe. As for the GZG stuff if's for my FSE force so will be in the same colours as has already been seen. My first figures will be some of the Weird West figures though.

  10. A very restrained (but nice) haul from the show. I went with a clear idea of what I needed, my prime motivation being all the Postage I was saving!


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