Saturday 18 May 2013

Laser Burn?

  For those with long memories you will remember the "Laserburn" rules. For those not quite that old. Laserburn was a set of science fiction rules before warhammer 40k. Anyway cutting to the chase these two vehicles are 15mm in scale and I think they were by "Table top Games". A very quick repaint later and they will become civilian scenery for my 15mm GZG star grunt force. It's so long ago I will not even attempt to try to identify them any further. But obviously one is a flying vehicles capable of carrying 2 people, one assumes pilot and a passenger. The other is a civilian van or pickup, probably envisaged as some form of grav vehicle as it has no wheels, although for my purposes, being just scenery any more details are redundant.
  They were lurking in a box with my old "Traveller" figures tucked away in the attic and had, until recently not been out of the box for over 10 years. So folks there is hope for us all that we will get round to some of the older lead we all have tucked away in at least some form, even if not for our original intention.

AS I am sure you are all aware Tamsin AKA Wargames Girl has been doing a very generous give away on her blog. Today is day 3 (of 6?) all the terms and conditions are on her blog and I think you can still enter the previous 2 days should you choose. If you do enter I wish you all the very best of luck.

A zombie game at the club tomorrow I am told using the "Flesh Wounds" rules for the first time so expect an AAR on Monday. Until then have fun and scoot over to Wargames Girls Blog and check out the very generous offer she has for you.

Cheers Clint


  1. Hey man it's a long time since I commented on your page. I can't even remember when I last looked at Traveller, seem to think that my figures were the early version of the cardboard cut out ones. Ah nostalgia isn't what it used to be!

    1. Good to hear from you again. I hope things are well with you. The only cardboard ones I have are in my "Snapshot" box! (That dates me!)

  2. I remember well the Laserburn rules, which are still in my possession (somewhere) along with what I think was the only scenario book that was made too - I think it was some tower escapade or other but the name escapes me.

    As for the vehicles, I can't remember them at all, but they'll certainly fit in with Stargrunt.

    1. I can't remember the name of the scenario either. But Like you I do remember it had "Tower" in the title. I also have "Forces of the imperium" the Laser burn Supplement.

      Laserburn was one of those games that I never actually got to play. Despite buying it my friends at the time were not interested. Oh well such is life.

  3. Replies
    1. Just started my WSS figures this afternoon...... expect an email or two!!

  4. You have definitely switched gears here. I like that orange as it would stand out well against an alien terrain.

    Have a good weekend Clint!

  5. I LOVE Laserburn. Still one of my favorite skirmish games, even after all these years. Battletech, Star-Grunt. Now Laserburn. We're going to have to make a weekend of it at this rate, Clint.

    1. As mentioned above. Never actually played it...... But Battletech and Stargrunt are both brill so I'll trust your judgement.

  6. Needless to say, I got no idea what rules are you talking about, but those look great. Especially the flyer - put a lazer-spewing-machinegun on the passenger sit and you've got yourself a technical! :P

    1. I think Laserburn was out of print before you were born. It would make a good technical, I had not thought of that.

  7. I remember Laserburn and Citadels 25mm range too. I great game and I will have to find again

    1. I used my 25mm Laserburn figures as perps in Judge Dredd, not that I had many of them. I might have to dig them out.


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