Monday 13 May 2013

Space orks for my Nephew

 Let me start with an admission. Due to the fact that my nephew (James) has been injured over the last week and that muggins has had to look after him I have failed to get any real painting finished. I know feeble excuse.

So what I will talk about today is my old Space Ork army. The week before Salute I gave it away. Shock horror! I gave it to the above mentioned nephew before he got injured so there is no connection with the injury and the army in any way.

All the pictures are just random shots of the army which is over 10 years old. Many of the items are not available in the shops, like the lobber track in the top picture, the captured Rhino in the second etc. It all started as a Gorka Morka force and grew into a full army.  My Gorka Morka Mob was called "The Italian Mob!" and started in converted Heller 1/43 scale mini coopers. They looked good, but did not do well in game terms. Oh Well. Yes they are in the pics somewhere.

 So todays blog post is all old work but never been seen on the blog before so until James gets well enough to go to school I will be looking after him.

I should have something ready in two days time. Thanks for your patience and hope you pop back then. All the best Clint.


  1. Love em. I like the 'old skool' space orcs. I had a few myself many moons ago, no idea what happened to them in the end. Thanks for sharing the pictures.

    1. Ssshh don't tell the other Rejects. They'll disown you. Not all the Rejects, but we both know the ones that will.

  2. Thats a very nice army, Hope your Nephews recovers quickly and can take these Orks out to do some Stomping

    1. He has taken some to GW store. And they won't let him use the mini coopers as they are not GW in origin. The tracks at the back are as are the crew so I think they should get a grip!. Needless to say his best friend would like an army like that.

    2. That doesn't surprise bunch of tossers that they seem to be these days.

    3. If head office has made the rule the shop workers can't really break it without getting into trouble. It's just a shame that head office are so determined to keep brand purity!

  3. Who doesn't like an orc army especially a bodged old school one!

  4. They look great! My space orks have been growing with sporadic purchases since the 80's! The best part is with orks, the mash up of old and new, it still looks "propa"! Job's a good'un! ;)

    1. There is a randomness with Orks that is not acceptable in many other GW armies. So as an army it's not a bad one as you point out mix and Matching the figures actually works>

  5. I don't they're bodged at all. The red on those vehicles is most impressive. I do like this collection Clint and they look grand all together like this.

    I hope James recovers from his injuries. You are a good Uncle and one he'll never forget.

    1. James in back at school now, only a slight limp to show for it, thanks for asking. The Red is because "Red Onez go faster" Its a rule in the game. I know I won't be forgotten, I have also been told that given the opportunity he's "Itching to get down here!" to quote my sister, so I must be doing something right.

  6. Was it a very nostalgic moment getting them out to photograph ?

    1. It was a bitter sweet moment if I am honest. I only got them out when I was giving them to him (I have some Killer Kans as well but they were broken and therefore need fixing). So the photographs were a by product of the gift and not taken specifically for the blog.

  7. Some absolutely wonderfully original creations here Clint, must have been hard to say goodbye.

    1. I must be honest It was hard, but at least I know they will be appreciated. And the smile on his face was worth it.

  8. I saw them! Good stuff Clint - and a gift your nephew will treasure for years. Hope he recovers soon.

    1. I hope he does look after them as well, but you know what youngers are like.

      He's doing fine back at school now and probably not taking it easy and resting his ankle.


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