Saturday 1 June 2013

Happy accident?

Not everything goes to plan for any of us. I was hoping to share some figure with you this morning. Alas due to an accident on one of the BBIB Broadside boards I have had my spare time snatched away as I tried to deal with it. I must have had a careless moment and a dollop of yellow paint was discovered towards the centre of one of the boards. It was a small dollop but had dried overnight. This gave me two options, Scrape it and sand it off, or treat it as an opportunity. I took the lazy (erhm... I mean the more considered) way and treated it as a happy accident.

Two coats of varnish later I added white "breaker" waves around this tiny (paint) "island". It has now become a reef or a shoal or some other navigation hazard. It makes one section of the board ever so slightly tricky. It is not a large hazard but it is something to avoid moving into. Which is a polite way of saying everyone else will avoid it and yet somehow it will be strangely "magnetic" to my ships!

Two closer pictures of the blemish the lower image being bigger than life size. So it really is not a huge mote and now that I have come to terms with it I actually think of it as an advantage and adds something to the boards. As indicated in the title it is indeed a happy accident.

That's it for today.  Club tomorrow and a game of "Dead Man's Hand" . So until Monday have a good couple of days and with luck talk again on Monday.

Post Script: I can now get a local supply of Confectioners chocolate. So with luck I should be able to make something nice for the BROADSIDE Bloggers. Although I must admit I will be giving certain traders priority..... it all depends on how much I an make in time.

All the best Clint.


  1. A happy accident indeed. Great idea to turn it into a reef/shoal.

    Oh, and did you say "Chocolate"? *yum yum* :)

    1. Yes Tamsin Chocolate Fudge, my own recipe. I use a blend of 3 different types of chocolate. But no more details.

  2. Hi Clint,

    I shall be heading over to you at Broadside like a bat out of hell so make sure you save me some!

    Clever idea re the 'accident'! I am looking forward to seeing the game so see you then!

    All the best,


    1. I do think you deserve some.

      Look forward to seeing you at the show.

  3. Very clever ol boy!! Remember don't give any to Fran and say share this out, it just won't happen!

    1. Yes you are right. lesson learned from last time. It's all about how much I can make and cure in a week and if the people at work don't twist my arm too much. (I have said they can have some off cuts only.

  4. I think its a cool feature perhpas its the Kraken of the deeps :P

    1. No Kraken in this game, maybe in a Greek Galley game. Just not this time.

  5. Great improvisation, but then again I'd expect you to overcome this sort of thing.

    1. Cheers Jo.... I get a little perturbed in regard to mistakes happening in the first place! SO I have had to learn to work round them.

  6. Serendipity strikes! Great save there, Clint.

    1. Cheers mate. I probably should do a little edging with a lighter blue to give the impression of being submerged as well.... Perhaps on Monday!

  7. Nice save!

    ...and i agree with Ray, don't trust Fran to share!

    1. I have now learnt that lesson. Fran does not play nice with food. I would not mind so much but he scrounged some free figures from traders and did he give me any..... no he did not.

      Still he is nice in other ways.....

    2. Free what?...nothing of the's that Ray fellas fault....the cad!

    3. You are both as bad as each other!

      I can probably trust Big Lee and Postie .... but only probably!
      Maybe I should Put an "Honorary Reject in charge of anything edible!


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