Tuesday 25 February 2014

Nom Nom Nom

In space No one can hear you Nom Nom Nom.

"Barbara to Beagle One can you hear me."

"Beagle One receiving Barbara go ahead you are loud and clear"

"We see movement Beagle base, Moving closer"

"Roger that Barbara We have no energy readings in that sector Probably just some space junk!"

"It's a man in an atmosphere suit Beagle Base, seems to be holding something, moving closer Beagle Base"

"Keep us informed Barbara. Still no energy readings are you sure it's a space suit? Confirm it's not a trick of the light and be prepared to see Doc when you get back inside. I say again no energy sources in your sector"

"Listen Yusef It's definitely a man. He's turning round I can make out the maple leaf patch on his left arm. Check the instruments again there must be an energy source it's a man I tell you."

"Sorry Barbara no readings at all."

"Are you sure it's turned on Yusef!"

"Of course it's bloody well turned on. I am tracking you and I am telling you there is nothing else out there.!"

"HE's turning round, I can see the visor is up and he's carrying the old type 17 issue laser rifle!"

"Stop pulling my leg Barbara now I know you are taking the piss those are antiques. You had me going there, nice one I was just about to call a tech to check the systems again!"

"Beagle Base seriously I am not kidding.  I can just about see his face now..... Oh my God..."

"Barbara, come in Barbara! Talk to me Barbara, Beagle Base to lieutenant Kopaks come in Barbara!"

"Dave, Barbara is not responding .... Barbara.... lieutenant Kopaks ... come in Barbara....."


  1. Great story, Clint! Nice ending and a nice reveal photo to finish with.

    1. I was hoping that would be the order they would appear in the Analogue painting challenge. But they didn't. Oh well can't be helped.

      Thank you Bryan. It has been a while since I have painted a zombie so I need to get my zombie mojo back.

      Glad you liked the story. Thank you Bryon.

  2. There coming to get you Barbara!
    Nice zed Clint

    1. The zed is of very limited use, But was great fun to paint and sometimes you just have to do something a little different.

      Don't Forget there's a guy called Dave at Beagle One.... he's a tech! be afraid, be very affrai...nom nom nom... opps to late.

      Thank you Dave.

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you Ad it was a fun paint and I thought why not a story!

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you Michael. Now how do I get St Trinnians involved in space!

  5. Great looking character, Clint. I love the retro-look of the orange jump suit. Best, Dean

    1. Thank you Dean. The colour palate is the one used by Crooked Dice. So I just copied them. I think it ahh get off ahhh ......NOm NOM NOM!

  6. Love it! Double love it! Really, really well done. I like the simple story (it got me wondering if that was from a series :P) and those photos, amazing! Just so...weird horror-y. I mean, I love your stuff but this is just fantastic.

    1. Ah, now I remember where the situation is familiar from! A guy here (well, our greatest writer) once wrote a short story about a certain captain that was checking his troops (WW1 sort of thing) and he walked slowly pass every soldier, picking out the fittest, best guys and once he touched them or called their name or something, they all went pale. In the end, he turns around and the narrator sees his face - a skull, indicating it was a Grim reaper. I really have to say how great this stuff is once again, amazing!

    2. That my friend is praise indeed. I am Humbled. Thank you.

  7. Very nice. 'Naut of the Living Dead.

  8. Great story and fantastic paintjob mate.

  9. A Canadian, ghost astronaut? And why not :-) .

    Excellent figure, Clint - was this painted on a whim or do you have a game planned for him?

    1. Painted mostly on a whim, but also because the latest painting challenge round was a "casualty" and I thought it would be different.

      The Canadian Maple leaf is because the guy running the challenge is Canadian. An yes it's a suck up!

      But alas no games planned at this stage. Thank you Hugh.

  10. Blimey Clint, there are zeds in space! Now where am I to flee when the apocalypse arrives?

    1. Don't worry about things in space, worry about the monster under your bed! Don't let your feet touch the ground at night! And why is that wardrobe door slightly ajar. Maybe the monster in the wardrobe started to come out and then you looked that way! Worry more about the things in your own house than space terrors. Thank you Anne.

  11. Very retro Sci-fi, Tin -Tin never experienced anything like this. I had wondered why he had his visor up thoughuntil I got to the third piccy.
    Great figure and paintjob, especially the visor and "face".

    1. Thank you Jo. It was a fun one to paint. Despite the fact I usually struggle with Orange and yellow!


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