Friday 16 October 2015

Something nasty in the woodshed!

Yes I finished these early so no blog post tomorrow so the next one on Monday.

so here are two constructs for Frostgrave. They are of course two Corndolls by Crooked Dice 7TV range. Totally suitable for Dr Who or 7TV or Frostgrave or C'thulhu or strange aeons or one of a dozen other games. But if I was not playing Frostgrave I would probably not have got them. But I am happy I did though.

These are my first figures from the SELWG show to get painted, not that I pushed the boat out very far at all. Very few figures purchased. Although I did have a very good chat with a few people including Karl of Crooked dice who does like an idea I have for a zombie scenario and is encouraging me to complete it. There was even the very slim possibility of them making a figure for it..... but that really is VERY unlikely just a pipedream.

 So waffling aside here are 2 28mm horror figures. I did think of painting the bases to be snow covered, but instead went for green grass finish as I do not see scarecrows in the snow where crops do not flourish!

Makes a change from BUF, these two were painted purely for my fun and not for anyone else. And yes I did enjoy them.

That's it for now hope to check in and post an AAR on Monday. Until then remember not all the monsters are in the woodshed some live under your bed!

All the best Clint (yes it is still raining)

Let's just see if this snap came out better?


  1. Yup, there are lots of uses for these! Nicely done (and I'm looking forward to your AAR).

    1. Thank you C6. I suspect the other chaps will open a can of "Whoopass" on me in the AAR>

  2. Some great paintjobs there Clint, and delighted to see you painting up some "Crooked Dice" minis. Your brushwork has really done the business on those sculpts and your basing is stunning (and very appropriate too). Sad no weekend posting but looking forward to the AAR :-)

    1. Thanks Simon. to be honest I am very disappointed with the pictures . I think it is the lighting so I may re-take them. But most likely I will just move on and do something else.

      CD do make some excellent minis and they are all great fun to paint./

  3. Very nice and very unusual too!

    1. Thanks Ray, not your cup of tea I know, but a little different. I can imagine them being used as cultists in Donnybrook for example.

  4. They a fantastic! Wonderfully original and beautifully painted Clint.

    1. Thank you Michael. I feel you praise me far to highly.

  5. My first thought when I saw them was - perfect bad guys for a Scooby Doo game.

    1. Yes definitely Scooby Doo :)

    2. Thank you Brian, and thank you Gobbo.
      I had not thought of Scooby doo, but now that you have said it I know you are both spot on. Absolutely perfect for that.

  6. Yes many many uses including a dance party scene. Monster bash anyone?

    1. Thanks Robert, have you been watching too much "strictly!" A dance party scene, not my first though and it probably will not happen to these particular two, but no reason you should not do it!

  7. They look great, I've got some of those awaiting undercoat the the minute too!

    1. Thank you for the comment. What is your plan for them, Dr Who, Frostgrave or maybe Fallout?

  8. Really neat looking figures Clint. I like the colour of the tunic the guy on the left is wearing.

    It would be neat if they would make a figure based on your scenario.

    1. Thank you Anne. I doubt they will make the figure we discussed, (Brad Pitt in the film "Snatch" BTW) but a very pleasant chat none the less.

  9. Awesome work. I keep meaning to get me some of these and some cultists!

    1. Thank you Simon. They do make excellent constructs for frostgrave as well as loads of other games as mentioned above.


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