Friday 18 March 2016

Dead Girls Are Easy!

 As the painting challenge draws to an end I am trying (and failing for the most part) to get back to blogging on a regular basis.

Having now finish all the things I wanted to get done for the challenge I had a bit of spare time and enthusiasm. And while this was submitted it was never planned to be.

It is of course a West Wind Production Biker. I bought a pack of these a few years back but never  got them painted. As I am re-enthused about zombie games I thought to get one done.

I was going to write "Dead girls are Easy!" on the petrol tank, but instead settled for green flames. It was semi successful and a second attempt will no doubt prove a better finish so that is my plan, but with 8-10 Bikers to do they can not all have flames on the bikes, that would just look silly!

Still with luck this will get me back in the saddle again.

Club on Sunday so an AAR on Monday of whatever game I play! And at this stage it could be anything. I have suggested a Vietnam game but that is NOT looking likely at present!

Cheers for looking, more soon.


  1. V nice Clint, can't wait to see the rest of the gang

    1. Thanks Gobbo. I will try to get the rest doe in good order, but they are not my favourite things to paint!

  2. Actually, I love this set and I had a lot of fun putting them together and painting them. I do like how you've painted your biker and like Andy, I look forward to seeing the rest of them.

    1. Thanks Mate. It will take me a while I am sure, but done they will be (eventually)

  3. Cracking model Clint. Love this, being a biker myself i'm always on the constant look out for some painted mini's going...

    1. Thanks Damon. I think there were either 8 or 10 in the pack so plenty more to go. Although I did find some of the weapon choices suspect. Chainsaws are not my weapon of choice while riding a bike.

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks Fran, I might get some more done sooner than I 1st thought! (Fingers crossed!)

  5. Love painting up bikes.. cant get enough of them.. great work, and was a great contest overall ( wish I had not moved in the middle of it! ).. Looking forward to both this gang getting finished by you and to see what you played over the weekend!

    1. Thanks kyle. I have been offered 2 games over the weekend. WW2 and Ancients. Not sure what I will go for. I do not like the WW2 rules being used and the last ancient game was not all that balanced despite the points being equal! But Points do not always make a good and balanced game.

  6. Bloody smart looking biker mate.

    1. Thank you Irqan. Hopefully not too smart, we don't want him in suits and ties!

  7. What a tremendous piece of work Clint, I love what you have done on the petrol tank.

    1. Thank you Michael. Although hard to see it is on the mudguards (front and back) as well. I wish I could paint it better, but it gives the impression.

  8. Superb work Clint! Great to hear about your enthusiasm for zombie gaming.

    1. Thanks Bob there is some Zombie work going on behind the scenes!

  9. That is very nice. I've got quite a few of these bikes as well, but they're so hard to put together that I just haven't had the enthusiasm to complete more than 1 or 2 of them...

    1. Thank you C6. That is exactly how I felt about them. And now I have gotten side tracked as well!!!

  10. Definetly not a biker chick I would fancy! Great brushwork Clint and more to come is a bonus; I've always wanted this set but wondered why they didn't make a set of dismounts for them too.

    1. Thanks Joe I agree foot figures would be VERY useful. They should have done them.


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