Friday 5 August 2016

5 More Burpas!

Clearly I am painting 5 figures at a time. And here are  the next 5. Again they are for Matt and he mostly does 28mm and these are indeed that size.

A mixture  of make from left to right (I think) 2 Empress Miniatures a Perry miniature and 2 wargames Foundry figures.  All more troops to devastate the Hills of the Indian sub continent and to stop the Colonial British . But they could also be used in pulp games in North Africa or maybe as pirates in and around Turkey. They realy could be quite versatile in their application.

I have 5 more to do in this batch and will show a batch picture wen I publish them.  I do hope to show a club game on Monday and I will be trying the "En Earde!" rules by Osprey for the first time.

Thanks for looking today and with luck an AAR on Monday.


  1. What better way to start my Saturday morning than with a Burpas or five, tremendous again Clint.

    1. THank you Michael. I made homemade fudge yesterday I am just making sure I do not have any for breakfast! Or that MIGHT BE A BETTER WAY TO START Saturday!

  2. Nice Burpas mate! Look forward to the AAR/review :)

    1. Thank you Tamsin. As with any set of rules it never survives contact with the players!!!! I will be re modelling terrain in the week ahead. (assumes nothing goes wrong in real life!)

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks Ray 5 more to go in this batch. I feel like a count down. So I will paint a few things for my self this week. And Maybe a figure for you!!!!¬

    2. It's the only way he will get any figures done!

    3. Thank you for the insight Fran. I will choose a figure to suit Rays interests..... I promise no Space men!

  4. More Burpa goodness, great stuff Clint and the subdued colours are excellent.

    1. Thank you Joe. I shall try to make the next batch as good.

  5. Good job making me feel guilty about not getting my C&C Arabs painted up

    1. Thanks Matt. I also feel guilty for not having finished these just yet and for several other projects that are hanging in the wind at the moment!


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