Thursday 1 December 2016

Shinnies (Reasons to be Cheerful)

Just a VERY quick blog post. I have received some more shinnies this lunch time. They are for a project I am working quietly on which I hope it will come to fruition during the Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge.

A very meagre order I realise, but one that has made me very happy.  Firstly the main reason for sending for the figures is that I wanted some stuff for the painting Challenge. Yes I do have enough already so I am not looking to take your unpainted on as well. Well I will if the price is right!!!

So what is in the pack and why did I get it? On the left are the 3 Musketeers while on the right are some animals!! One of the bonus rounds is a film/TV/Song/book tie in. And to be honest the Musketeers MAY get used for that IF my other plan falls through. That is not my main plan however. As a club we have played the "EnGarde!" rules a couple of times and I want these for that. No not to represent the actual musketeers, although again they might if my main plan falls apart!

But they will also make some rather splendid "Border Reivers!" And that is the plan. Border Reivers. I have even purchased a book on the subject and am VERY slowly reading it but reading and me are not always best friends. I am dyslexic, for a start but that is only part of the issue.

Anyway the figures are by Warbases ( LINK ) and cost £8.00 for all 4. (plus postage of course).
They are nicely sculpted and cast with very little cleaning up required. At the BOTTOM of the post is a pic of the cast from the TV series and although he faces are a little rounder than I would have hoped. I really do mean a little and nothing a decent paint job will not correct. And I can kinda "guess" the colours now!

The Animals (someone will always ask) are for the Border reivers and are sheep, goats and chickens. All the kinds of livestock one might hope a Border reiver might be able to carry off. Yes I do Have Highland Cattle as well but those were not in the parcel but purchased from Col Bill at a show.  And the Cattle will I hope be painted during the AHPC  as well.

Anyway that is it for today and I shall try to post again soon. Until then take care and have some fun as you deserve it!


  1. I know that the TV series was not everyone's cup of tea, but I thoroughly enjoyed it and so I'm looking forward to seeing how your figures turn out.

    1. Thank you Bryan. I cannot say I enjoyed it all but will admit it was worth watching. And that parts I also enjoyed. Only time will tell how the figures turn out. (Fingers crossed)

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Tamsin. Just a little bunch of shinnies but every one is a winner!

  3. Nice shinies dude, never watched the show as I rarely watch terrestrial tv but I do like musketeer though

    1. Thanks Andy. The series were OK not brilliant nor terrible. But when painted the figures should look the part.

  4. I always wondered if you liked a bit of leather!!!

    1. Stop it Ray, we all know Postie is the leather nut!

    2. Thank you Ray. I suspect that comment says more about you than it does me.

    3. Thank you Fran. I have NO wish to know about any of posties peccadillos.

  5. Nice, border Reivers are definitely on my list for the future. So interested to see how you get on. I have been looking at the Hoka Hey figures but have just too many projects at the moment. 😀

    1. Thanks Matt. I have also been looking at the Hoka hey figures. They are rather nice. Not seen them in the flesh but in the pics hey look superb. If you are interested in Border reivers I have something panned in the Analogue Hobbies that just may appeal.

  6. We all love shinies especially when then look this good.

    1. Thank you Michael. Just one of 4 parcels I am expecting. But the others will be of less general interest I suspect.

  7. Hmm, not sure if I like these figures or not, at first I thought they were for the Wild West (until I spotted the swords), but I'm sure when you've got some paint on them they'll look a lot better.
    A "Border Reiver" gaming era is a very interesting prospect - willlook forward to seeing this develop

    1. Thank you Joe. I intend to make a building or more for this project. The Animals might make a clue for what I have planned. (If my plans come to fruition!)

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