Friday 24 August 2018

TWO days late.

Actually no I am not! These have been painted for Matt and his Crimea collection. He is expecting them in 8 days time. Matt as I am sure many of you will realise likes big guns.  Perhaps the bigger the better.

Today you will see two Foundry guns and crew for the Crimean war. They are both quite large, but more details I am afraid I cannot give you.

I do have one more to do (started but not as yet finished). Which shall barring accidents be ready for next weekend. So You can expect to see another one mid week.

I cannot offer any insight as to what these guns were used or designed for. But the top one has 4 wheels and 4 crew. I did ask Matt if he wanted the officer with this one and he said yes. I only know that sooner or later it will be used against me!

The second gun only has 2 wheels! It lacks an officer so I Imagine Matt will use it to destroy some Russian position. And nothing to fancy or supposedly clever. But with Matt you never know. Again I suspect it will be used against me in some way. Having said that Matt is as likely to give me command of these 2 guns. You just never know!

Both guns are Wargames Foundry Crimean war range. Not a period I really enjoy but that is secondary. I mostly do not enjoy it because I know so very little about it. Perhaps in the future that will change.

Being Foundry they are  both 28mm in size But as mentioned not a period I know very much about! (That's probably because other than "Charge of the Light  Brigade" there have been very few films on the war.

Anyway more in 2 days, I have Aeronef and WW2 ready to show so it will most likely be one of those options as opposed to another gun!

Until then. Take care have fun  and roll some dice In (pretend) anger! All the best Clint


  1. Great looking guns Clint, even if it's not a period you know much about you've done a fantastic job on them

    1. Thank you Dave. One cannot know everything! Luckily Matt did provide me wit the Osprey book so I had pictures to copy . That was a God send!

  2. Wonderful Cannon Crews, Clint, they look great, especially as a pair in that final photo with the superbly fitting back drop.

    1. Thank you Blax. 1 More cannon to go. Then I promise a group shot of al 4 of them. I hope about mid week.

  3. Great guns Clint! Those look like they might be naval guns dismounted for the siege of Sevastopol

    1. Thank you Peter. You may well be right. As mentioned it is a war I know almost nothing about. So I am more than happy to take your word for it!

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you Ray. Another one has been started.

  5. Such great work, as I would expect from you dude. Not a period I know much about apart from Florence Nightingale and “that charge” but willing to learn

    1. Thank you Andy. I know very little more. But of course I must mention "Mary Seacole" as well, just to cover more Medical stuff. Oh and the Charge of the heavy Brigade! And that the British press deliberately made our allies out to be worse than they were to make our troops look better. Yep that about covers what I know!

  6. Boom! Lovely artillery team.

    1. Thank you Lee. Struggling to motivate myself at present!

  7. Good work on a period I'm not particularly fond of either.

    1. Thank you Joe. Working on the last one now!


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