Thursday 28 May 2015

Re Landscaping my Moon Boards. (1)

Firstly let me get the book keeping out of the way. I have had to change the play by blog game back to a Napoleonic naval engagement as opposed to WW1 Dog fight. The planes at 1/300th scale were just too fiddly for me. So expect an update about that soon.

OKAY now on to what I have been doing. I was impressed by the response that the UFO project elicited so impressed that I have started to adapt my moon scape boards. I had too many craters on the boards I had made about 5-6 years ago. I have already done a step by step walk through on how to make them on the blog, when I was asked to make some for Ainsty Castings

So using a trusty hammer and wood chisel (long since blunt and now really in need of sharpening!) You can see from the first 2 photos one finished board and one that I have savaged! While the third photo shows some destruction of the second board.  All in all I removed about 1/2 the craters from each board which gives some open flat(ish) areas for movement and possibly for the inclusion of a moon base. (Very long term plan do not even suggest it at this stage or someone will want to see one next week).

The removal of the craters did take a while, as they were well stuck down. But Finally I did get the two boards to the correct crater density to open area ratio. (At least in my mind). A lot of the time was me thinking "Shall I get rid of that one or that one, or maybe those two!" But I finally got there and in the photos you can see the MDF board beneath. I kept most of the bigger craters including the one 17 inches across. As it really is easier to put things in them, figures vehicles, dice etc!and it breaks up the uniformity of the boards.

Eventually I was content, and even did the happy dance. As most of us will know the joy of using a hammer! It was not all easy going several times I removed one crater and another came with it OR  I damaged a crater that was in close proximity I am sure you get the idea. But for once I did not blame my self. The wonderful thing about the moon is that I have no idea where the craters are or should be and so as long as it looks right it is right.

 Repairs were the next stage. As you can see from the photo opposite . So with a trusty roll of masking tape I patched any damaged craters. You can clearly see the system I used overlapping strips of tape to get the slopes of each crater. I know it looks rough, but trust me if done methodically and consistently the technique works. One of the reasons it works is that I do not have people continually poking it to see what it's made of, if you want to know just ask it is easier all round than prodding and poking.

The next photo shows the next step. Having mixed up some paint and white wood glue (PVA (Resin W if we are being technical)). At this stage colour was not an issue as I know it will have several more coats to get the right texture and rigidity. So yes for a very short time it was a green colour. But we are talking minutes and nor hours as before it could dry I sprinkled the areas with building sand (The cheapest I can get). I applied a thick layer to cover as much as possible and not to leave any gaps. I continued the process on any other areas that needed patching. Lots of fun and lots of mess so if you ever try this method do not do it in the house, or you will get nagged and with good reason!

Giving  about 40 minutes tor the paint and glue to dry I simply poured the sand of the board swept it up and put it back in the bucket ready for the next coating.

 The process was repeated 3 times using plenty of sand, plenty of glue and plenty of paint. In fact so much paint I have to get some more today when I am out. As you can see in the photos you do get sand everywhere and paint/glue a lot of places too, so I do all this stuff in the garage well away from anyone who might complain. I also have a tidy up afterwards as well. Thrust me it's best to do so!

After a while the boards start to take on the right texture. And by using 3-4 coats of paint/glue/sand will get tough enough to play on. No they will not stand up to being run over in a car but are totally suitable to play on.

With waiting times it will take several hours so perhaps it is best left overnight, just to make sure it is dry. Yesterday for me though was a nice hot sunny day and things were drying very quickly in fact several times the paint and glue was dry before the sand was sprinkled on! In Which case it was re applied in smaller areas and a patchwork was built up. But while it was hot and sunny I pressed on with the task.

 In a couple of areas the previous texture was lifting and was creating very small ridges. Rather than fight against it I went with it. Only about 3 mm and rather than worry about it I just applied more paint glue and sane and rejoiced in the slightly uneven texture knowing that when all was dry they would add some low level relief to the boards.

When I was OK with how it looked, I used up the last of my black and dark brown paint and sealed all the areas that had been transformed. Photo not shown. And that is where I have left it over night already to start today when I get some more paint and glue. If it has dried how I hope I will just be on the colouring up today and the boards will be finished by the new week. As is more likely they will require another coat of paint glue and sand they should be ready by the end of next week. So I will show them when I get to stat stage. There may also be some half painted photos as well just as WIP.

That's it for today. Thanks awfully for the enthusiasm of the UFO project it has pushed me onwards over the last few days. And I have now reached a stage I need to restock on modelling supplies before I start again.

Take care, have fun and tune in soon for another update, or maybe something different.
Cheers from Clint

(Post Script) I have a new Avatar as the first time in my life someone guessed  who I was named after! It is no secret I was named after Clint Walker but no one has ever guessed before without being told or at least very strong clues being given!


  1. Those craters are impressive looking. Ya, the removal of some makes this a more playable board and the uneven terrain works very well.

    I was looking forward to the WWI dogfight game, but I understand why you had to scratch it. The Naval game will be just as much fun to follow though. I'm looking forward to seeing what everyone decides to name their ships.

    I'll have to wait for you reply to see your new avi!

    1. Thanks Anne, Remodelling with a hammer is always good fun. I shall get more of this done very soon. And when finished you will not see the patch ups!

      Hope the new Avatar comes out (He does on other blogs)

    2. Oh yeah, the avi shows up and he's quite nice looking!

    3. Thanks Anne I picked a topless one just for you!

  2. This is cool! Although I have no use for one, I really want a moon board now!

    1. Thanks Matt. Moon scape boards are not so very useful at the end of the day. But when they are finished again I am sure you'll like them and if I can get them down the club even better.

  3. There's no better way to relieve stress than demolition work - either miniature scale or real world is just a lot of fun to whack something with a hammer or pry-bar.

    I've been known to use dice that have offended me as aiming points for demo work!

    The boards look very well done.

    1. Thanks Mate. I know what you mean. Some things are great as stress relief.

  4. Lovely reuse and recycle Clint! I find there's something quite satisfying about make new worlds for fighting over.
    Your doing a great job too dude. Those craters are impressive, all in all a very cool and usable lunar landscape.

    1. Thanks Bob, I am not too sure how much action the boards will see though.(Fingers crossed a real lot!)

  5. I think your demolition work has improved the boards considerably. Keep up the good work.

    1. Cheers mate I think it was time and opening the boards will help games flow more.

  6. I find this destruction of already-built models to be very unsettling if I ever do it myself - even if the result will be much more useful than the original. I'm guessing that you're OK with it :-) .

    I'm looking forward to seeing the end result and finding out how well hidden the repairs are.

    1. Thanks C6. It is upsetting but not overly. I take the view that if I can make something I can remake it just as well. (That does not always hold true of course). But I really do have to be in the mood to do it.

  7. Thanks Mayumi. I never publicise my blog, I am happy for people to find it and forget it in equal measure. Thanks for the cmment.

  8. Wow! First time I've seen those moon boards and I'm in love (with the boards - not with yourself, obviously). I'm going to search your blog for the back-posts about them.

    1. Thanks Roy. I may post the finished boards tomorrow. Finished as of 5 mins ago. But will wait until I have fresh eyes tomorrow to make sure.

      If you do search toe the boards from memory I made the ones for Ainsty Castings Jan 2011. So you will have to go back a long way. They are actually easy to do but are time consuming. And I would aim for about 10-13 craters on a 2x4 foot board.

    2. Yep, found them, thanks

    3. I am pleased. Any time I can help just ask. If you do go and make some Let me know, I would love to see them.

  9. Nice work Clint, love the new avatar too!!!!

    1. Thanks Ray. The Avatar is the guy I was named after. Clint Walker, somewhat of a gentle giant.

    2. Yes Ray Cheyenne Bodie, I was named after the actor who played him. He as also in "The Dirty Dozen" among other roles.

  10. A grand little project.. Although i would say it really needs a Moonbase..

    1. Thanks Dave. There may be a moon base planned. Perhaps not in 28mm if I was to do the whole base.

  11. Stunning stuff Clint. Wonderful boards and I'll be following your UFO project with great interest. Indeed I'm tempted to do something myself having seen how superb your moonscape looks.

    1. Thanks Simon. Doing the moon is easy and when I check later today I might have it finished. And that will be a blog post on its own.

  12. Haven't seen these before. They're impressive mate! Seems we share a penchant for gluing the living daylights out of stuff and then deciding to change it :-)

    1. Thanks Millsy, If they were a new build I might write it up for WBQ but as they are an old build I will not. Yes sometimes you have to bash terrain about a bit before you get it how you want it.

  13. Very cool mate. Good idea removing some craters and judging from how good the original boards were I'm sure the revamped ones will looks excellent.

    1. Thanks Mate While I have yet to look today I feel confident they will be OK.

  14. The moon scape is done now, but I will continue with the UFO project in the future. Thanks for the comment Michael.


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