Project B |
On the other hand, totally unglamorous and also totally important. It also take up a fair amount of time. But it does mean I can attempt to crack on today!
Project B

All totally embryonic at this stage and very likely to change. BUT given we only need a 3' square and that I have until February I am good and on target with this. I have gone thought a LOT of different options and as they could well change I am better just doing it than telling you what I have planned. But think Victorian Science Fiction show game using Pulp alley rules. Although it could as easily be 7TV. (Or many other sets of rules)
Yes return of the moon boards. 2 more boards each 2' square. As I am now in contact with Jon whom I went to university with I shall get my 15mm sci fi going again. I know it has been a few years and I find it easy to start projects and hard to finish them. But Jon has made me feel as if I am NOT banging my head against the wall continually with this.
Following a chat with him I shall be rebasing my SCI FI French! (That's Federal States Europa for all the GZG purists.) All I have to really do is put them all together and repaint the bases so that wil be done quite sharply.
The Two new boards will have a sci fi farm......on one board. Buts as demountable terrain. The other board I have yet to decide on I keep going from small settlement to building site to hilly and back again. So your guess is as good as mine at this stage BUT I have the boards carcassed out now and when I go shopping (Maybe tomorrow) I can start on one or both of them. I shall probably keep the second board fairly open as well and add the terrain as separate pieces.
I know long on promises and short on action. A Game AAR tomorrow and then get back to what ever normal is. (As long as I am not watching movies at 3am again as I can't sleep!)
Right get some breakfast and up te shed workshop again fast.
Have a great Day Clint
A lot going on buddy
ReplyDeleteThank you Andy. A lot going on, but not all at the same time. I shall do a bi of Project B tonight. BUT need to wait a fw days before I can work on project A as I need supplies.
DeletePlenty to keep you busy, Clint, and I’m looking forward to seeing your re-based French Sci-Fi force in an AAR.
ReplyDeleteThank you Blax. I need to get the bases done before we can even look at a game. Jon has to paint a force so he is in a worse position. I would expect 1 or 3 months before we get an AAR.
DeleteTalking of AARs Hope to do an aeronef one tomorrow. Should have done it yesterday but was not in the mood. Hence a small minor post today with no painting!
If you could pull off that first picture with the waterfall it would be amazing looking Clint :) PA is a game that works in any time or setting so endless possibles, good luck with the projects & can't wait to see what you come up with :)
ReplyDeleteThank you Frank. I have not tried PA yet but a club member has recommended it. And I value his judgement. There are plans for a waterfall as I so rarely see them in wargames terrain. And when you do see them they do not look impressive. Not sure if the idea will work yet but I am hopeful.
DeletePlenty to keep you busy here, Clint. I look forward to following your progress on all of them.
ReplyDeleteThank you Bryan. I have gone to the workshop/shed and very very very quickly started. You will see nothing of the work in the finished terrain! But it did need to be done.
DeleteLook forward to seeing how these projects progress Clint, can fully understand how long scenery can take and how the idea can morph and change as the project progresses
ReplyDeleteThank you Dave. I am not sure I think I have done either something clever or something stupid with the terrain. All I know is it will not be quite as tall as I hoped for! No matter I am sure it shall come out alright in the end.
DeleteYou're lucky have space so do terrain building. I wish my shed had a roof...
ReplyDeleteThank you lee. We all take what we have for granted. I wish for example I had more space instead of enjoying the space I do have.
DeleteAll projects need inspiration andmotivation to finish (though deadlines help too imo), javing someone ndging you along is the way to go though.Many of my projects suffer from the lack of interest shown by others.
ReplyDeleteThank you Joe I agree with all you have said. Going it alone is an unrewarding slog!