Wednesday 27 March 2019

If 5 are good surely 10 is better?

Year it's a long way of saying I have made 5 more smoke clods. Bringing the total to 10. This I think is enough for now.

4 may be used in PBI if an off board strike is called for either in a 2x2 block or in a row of 4 (NO DIAGONALS) wither as a row or as a column. Then a roll for deviation of each piece. They tend not to move much. But expect 1 in 4 to move. (Roughly).

If being used by on board guns (or tanks) a single square is affected. That being the case you can only have 1 off board asset a turn and on board gun (or tanks) tend to use HE in our games as they would tend to cause the most casualties!
Yeah we tend to be bloodthirsty!

Therefore 10 I think is the right number as they do tend to disappear over time. So that for now is job done on the cloud markers.

All the best Clint


  1. More is always better........isn't it?

    1. Thank you Fran. More is not ALWAYS better. I am reminded of a joke about Hippo's in a life raft.

  2. Very nice Clint, is there such a thing as too much smoke in wargaming ! LOL

    1. Thank you Dave. The thing about smoke is that it does not last forever.

  3. They look good mate. Makes me want to make a few tall ones for my Post apoc tables.

    1. Thank you Brummie. Post Apoc smoke is a good idea. You can easily go for different coloured smoke as well.

  4. Yes, more is better and I'm sure they could be used in many games.

    1. Thank you Bryan. Yes they can be used in many different games. But would need to be twice the size for 26mm (at least twice the size I should say!)

  5. I find that I always make more of what I need (.Need two 28mm compuer models ? - Sue make twenty instead !)

    1. Thank you Joe I feel that 10 should be about right. At least for now.


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