Friday, 19 April 2019

Pulp Zepplin (1)

Additional Stretch goals
I had a sleepless night last night. (Not though choice I hasten to add!) As such I did some thinking. (Yes it  did hurt and I am sick of listening to the worlds smallest violin before you ask!) Anyway Long story short. I had an email from Karl at Crooked Dice to let me know that my Kickstarter should be ready to ship in a week or 2. As all the stretch goals are now finished and delivered to his home.
Starting Point

Anyway as I wanted to build a "PULP" board any way I decided to start. And what is more Pulp than an Airship!?  What a Zeppelin? Who in their right mind build a Zeppelin? The answer is NO ONE! But I thought it was worth a try anyway! I decided it would not be all that large, So swigging down the Pepsi I figured 2 2 litre bottles would make a good enough "hull" (I am sure that HULL is the wrong word but until I think of it HULL will do!)

 Needed a nose of some description. So I simply cut a pimg pong ball in half! I am sure there is a better option but I just went with what I had! As with the hull I am sure there is a MUCH better option but I could not wait for that. I NEEDED to crack on!

So using some UHU general addehisive I stuck 2 Pepsi bottles together.  At this stage I have no idea if it will work but am hopeful! It is now about 3 foot long. Judging that to be sufficient I stopped there. At this stage it is all pretty rough but with scissors glue a scalpel and a saw I am not overwhelmed! (That comes tomorrow!).

This afternoon allowing PLENTY of time to dry I shall give it a skin. I ran to the local store (A tescos as it happens) and bought some cheap Kitchen towel. So I will detail my endevours later on maybe Sunday.

Now while I wait for this afternoon to arrive and me to get a little more spare time I have some questions about Zeppelins. I promise not hard ones.

Firstly the engines and bomb rack will be external to the gondola! But what else would you like to see in the gondola.  I shall put a cockpit and Matt has suggested some machineguns. But what else is needed bearing in mind it shall be quite small? Please add serious ideas to the comments and I will see what I can manage!

As mentioned last time I plan some cold war wargaming. With a bit of tidying up I have a modular desert board. So it makes sense to me to work in a middle east setting. I shall say no more until I get the basics done. But remember you heard it here first! Or forget all about it if you choose.


  1. Nice start Clint, I didn't see tail fins on your list of additions, so that would be my first suggestion, second would be an escape plane for VIP's

    1. Thank you Dave. Rest assured that rudder and Ailerons will be added. I do not think at there will be any VIP's involved as I do not see it being very large. None the less your idea does have merit and I have already a contingency planned for an escape!

  2. Good stuff, Clint, and clearly the creative juices are flowing :-)

    1. Thank you Blax. They have stopped flowing for the moment I am on the after lunch sit down now.

  3. Looking forward to seeing your efforts Clint. I'm afraid I'm not a zepplin expert, so I can't offer any advice except can it be pink?

    1. Thank you Ray. It can be Pink. I expect it will be grey though maybe with a German Cross on it. Just to make Matt happy.

  4. Epic plan old boy, I remember machine gunners on the top of the balloon?

    1. Thank you Fran. I have a plan for machine guns which if it works will be just fine. (fingers Crossed)

  5. Loving it Clint... now as it’s Pulp.... I suggest rockets!

    1. Thanks Dave. You will be delighted to know the first layer of kitchen roll is now on and will be allowed to dry overnight. So far so good.

      Rockets is a great idea. Again I see them as being an external fixing so easy to do (I hope).

  6. I am looking forward to the stretch goals too! What a great start to the zeppelin Clint and I love Dave's idea of tail fins.

    1. Thank you Michael. The exterior is, in my head, sorted out. And I can confirm there shall be tail fins. (Ailerons and rudders. ) I was mostly asking about INTERIOR gondola details. But as of last night I may have them sorted as well.

  7. This looks like an interesting project. I look forward to seeing how it progresses.

    1. Thank you Bryan I shall try not to disappoint!

  8. Always nice to see a Zeppelin being built. I have some interest in Zeppelins and Airship. (Zeppelin is actually a brand name) But I hope to have some suggestions.

    In ww1 machine guns were both mounted in gondolas, but also on top. With gun platform to defend against planes.
    The gondolas itself containded the motors, internal bomb bay and a radio cabine. Radio was quite important to both relay messages and to inform about the weather.
    For control similar controls as for ships are used. So large wheels 1 for left right, and second parralel to flying directiin for height. Together with some engine telegraphs to the different motors.

    The options of planes is actually quite possible. To americans have experimented with flying aircraft carriers, and both the Akron and the Macron airships did have some fighters it could launch in mid air.

    For the rest I dont know of any historical equipment in the gondolas. But some scientific lab might be a nice option. As airships were used on long flights, without returning to base, it seems plausable.

    1. Thank you Gerrard. Firstly this will not be historical So I am sorry if that disappoints. It is purely for "PULP" wargames.

      Okay I was not aware that Zeppelin was actually a brand name. I am only using it as a brief description, and nothing more.

      Radio room has been mentioned by a friend and your seconding the comment has spurred me on to think it is a good Idea. (So thanks for that).

      I have ruled out aircraft on this one. (but maybe not on the next!.... What when did I say out loud there would be more than 1).

      The gondala so far consists of Cock-pit (kind of need one)Passenger seating (at tie of writing for 6 people), Very small cargo area (when I say small I mean it, maybe incorporating a small ammo store and some deep sea diving suits... but that may be ambitious)a gun platform for 1 maybe 2 Light machine guns (still have to sort the figures out!) and an engine room.
      As you can see still lots to think about and even more to do. However I really appreciate the thoughts and ideas they are VERY much appreciated.

  9. I have seen a very lagre, fully detailed 28mm model zeppelin/airship and although your's is a much smaller model it'll be a treat watching its progress.

    1. Thank you Joe I have seen a MUCH larger 28mm airship as well, wonder if it was the same one! Having given it a day to dry I really must crack on with it!

  10. Excellent project, I look forward to seeing this come together.

    1. Thank you Lee. Early days to be sure. I am just trying to think how I can make the gondola strong and playable!


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