Tuesday 9 April 2019

Three little (well big actually) robot walkers

I have waited for the Salute hubbub to die down. It will not be out of everyone's minds yet, nor would I wish
it to be. Personally I am in a wargames limbo at the moment  with lots started and little finished and absolutely NO desire to paint at all.

So I selected 2 old models and painted them for my 15mm sci fi Alien force. While 3 are in the pics the one on the left was already painted and has been seen on the blog before.

These are Brigade Models (LINK) old 15mm figures. So old They no longer have them on the web site. Yeah well forget that as I have some! And am determined to paint them.  So I have 3 of these now and they are actually an easy paint! (Yippee!)

Elsewhere on the painting table I have some 28mm "Wild west" figures. Which I really do need to get done. AND some 15mm US cavalry that I really do need to get done. So those 2 projects are in the works! I shall most likely do the 28mm Wild west next as they are most of the way done. But be warned I may just skip back to 15mm Sci Fi, It's the kind of logic I have at the moment! Or just to be perverse some 1980's 6mm figs that I am umming and ahrring about. You are warned.

Until then all the best  Clint


  1. Great work on the walkers Clint, know what you mean about being uninspired recently, but a couple of new models yesterday helped me break out of it, may have also been down to the massive workload on the run up to Salute ! LOL

    1. Thank you Dave. Currently working on the "If I don't feel like it!" principle. I know I shall do a better job when I do.

  2. Terrific walkers Clint, and its a pity they're OOP as I could see this posting encouraging a few people to order them in the near future.

    1. Thank you Blax that is very kind of you. I feel there is enough variety out there already. I am using them just because I have them. (and I like them as well.)

  3. Even though these are 15mm I think they'd work fine as little robots in 28mm scale sci-fi games. Judge Dredd immediately springs to mind for me.

    1. Thank you Bryan. The joy of sci fi is that it is scale less. So yes they could work for 28mm as well or instead of 15mm.

  4. Nice looking crab walkers.

    1. Thank you Carl. Od castings brought back to life.

  5. Replies
    1. Thank you Ray I suspect some historical stuff next! I am sure you will be relived.

    2. Don't mind the snob Clint, fecking great work!

    3. Thank you Fran. Wargaming is a broad church, it allows many different types of game in many different periods.

  6. You may not be in a painting mood but you have managed to prodeuce some good looking models.
    They do look very otherworldly to me.

    1. Thank you Joe. I woke up this morning in a painting mood. So perhaps the apathy has past!

  7. Replies
    1. Thank you Simon. I must admit the painting apathy is back at the moment.


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