I did not get as much done as I had anticipated over the weekend. No new figures to show you today. I did however get the design for the club shirts finalised. They guys wanted black as they thought it was more slimming. It costs more but what can you do. Originally I wanted the logo on the back of the tee shirts but that would have doubled the price, so instead I settled on just over the left breast. As you can see it is my typical dice rolling level on the graphic, unless I need to roll low in which case "Box-cars" is far more likely.

The game I played at the club yesterday was not really visual, 1200th scale ancient galleys. I had never in my life tried ancient naval games, so it was a pleasant change of pace, if not change of result as I graham managed to ram my ships about 4 times as often as I did his. Needless to say as a fleet admiral of this period I have the command ability of Captain Mannering from Dads army. Overall I did enjoy it and would play it again.
That's it for today. Hope to post again on Wednesday, All the best Clint.