Firstly here is a robot model from about 30 years ago. RE-PAINTED. At the time I was using it as a 28mm model but now I feel more of a 15mm model. The joy of Fantasy/sci-fi is no one knows so it can be whatever you want it to be. No one knows and few (if any) care.
I am afraid I do not know who makes it or what it is for. I remember that our local toy store got some and as such I bought 3 (the other 2 are in pieces and are missing heads. But rebuilding them is for another time/post!
This was a very easy re-paint. Almost too easy, or embarrassingly easy. Just 3 colours of brown on the legs and a thin brown was overall. It really was that easy. About an hour in all including drying time. In fact the base took longer!

I look forward to finding the missing pieces and getting the other 2 finished now. Obviously this will bulk out my 15mm sci-fi army and give them some mech support. And we all lke a bit of mech support. The only conversion work is the adding of a gun to the right arm. Way back in the day (no not quite when dinosaurs walked the earth) GW used to do separate weapons and arms. Not for a long period, but they did, Anyway the weapon is a cut down "Lasgun" I just chopped it about and added it on. Mech with guns is usually a good idea!
Just the mech and a random 15mm alien, (on the to paint pile)
and a random 28mm figure. Just as a size/scale cmparison. |

Ok all Historical nuts can breath now. Finally some 28mm Crimean war WIP. Nearly finished ths mounted officer still got the face and the flesh and a few other bits to do, and a tidy-up. But it at least shows what I am working on for Matt. And that perhaps I have not been as lazy as I appear to have been. This is a 28mm Wargames Foundry and I have needed the practice in 28mm as it seem to have been a while. So I had best do some 28mm figs next!
Thanks for looking and more again in a day or so. Okay 2-3 days more likely!
All the best Clint