I have had a re-think. This is really not that uncommon for me so nothing to be alarmed about. I have now stopped my Kra Vak 15mm Ground Zero Games force and started a New Anglian Confederation (NAC) force. So to the right are my first batch of NAC troops. This is a squad of GZG Ghurkas. I selected the Ghurkas as my troop choice, not for there undoubted fighting prowess but because the forage hats and equipment have a tropical feel to them. As I have decided to focus on a desert world* the tropical gear and forage hats seemed most appropriate. Each NAC squad has a good balance of weapons for both fire power and impact/penetration so they should become quite a strong table top force well able to match the FSE troops I have already done.
SO why the change from Kra Vak? Several reasons, Firstly I was not feeling it, and as we all know If you are making an army/force for the table top if you are not feeling it then it really does become a chore. Secondly I do anticipate building a space fleet and while I do like the look of the Kra Vak fleet I am not attracted to their fighting style. I did look at other possible forces notably the New Swabian League but decided on the NAC as they are perhaps the most highly supported in terms for figures and background. So I do anticipate buying a NAC starter fleet in the near future.
I am in a little slump painting wise but expect to escape the doldrums in the next few days. We all go through it sometimes and it's just my turn at the moment.
* I mentioned above that I will be making a desert world. This is my post Broadside terrain project. I see it having several roles and being used for a few different periods. I will say no more about it at present but I have been chatting with Brian at
Lead Legion . Who has been a great source of ideas and a great sounding board. Cheers Mate.

Finally for today I have had to make my first ever "Battenburg" Cake. It was not a traditional pink/yellow cake as I have no yellow colouring. So I went for a chocolate/vanilla combination and I must say I think it turned out pretty good. The reason for the Battenburg Is that I found out that the person who's birthday it was really likes marzipan. It's not prefect, you can see it if not perfectly straight, but for a first try Not too bad. And having tasted it, it tastes pretty good even if I do say so myself. Modest.... well perhaps not, but I am quite proud of it as a first attempt!
That's it for today, thanks for reading with luck I should shrug of my painting lethargy and get down to something ready for my next post. So until the weekend take care have fun and hope to see you back here on Saturday. Best wishes Clint.