For the long standing members of this blog you may remember this post
LINK about plans for 2013. Well one of them is now on the top of my to do list so I will be starting a new project this week. Gasp shock horror! No it is not chariot racing (maybe by this time next year! Maybe!)
I have mentioned it to other club members and it looks like there is a strong possibility of doing 6mm Cold War Era wargaming. So as It stands it looks like we shall be doing this for our broadside game next year. Unless I get side-tracked or another club member wants to do something else. So we shall see what happens, but as I type this I have good intentions.

This is as much a return to my roots as it is a new project. As I used to play this kind of game a fair amount in the 80's I have found my two armies from this time and will start to re-paint and re-base them over the coming months. I will also build terrain, in fact you may say I have started already as I have three boards carcassed-out and ready to start work on. Don't hold your breath though they are a very long way from finished yet. Merely boards and Battening at this stage, nothing more.
To the right you can see some of my current bedside reading. I do have more rule options as well but as "Challenger 2" was my choice of rules back in the day I have a feeling it will be where I start. First Clash is not a rule set, but more an alternative history.
The following Blogs have inspired me so I would like to say THANKS to them as well. There are of course many more blogs out there covering this topic so this is in no way a definitive list.
http://coldwargamer.blogspot.co.uk/ Doing it in 20mm but packed full of top class information
http://stoppingtheredtide.blogspot.co.uk/ Doing it in 15mm
http://whirarwistan.blogspot.co.uk/ Another 20mm site (more modern than cold war)
http://bleaseworld.blogspot.co.uk/ 6mm Arab Israeli War
http://www.blmablog.com/ 6mm WW2 Western Desert
Well that is just a very short list and I am sure you have got your own favourites for this period and scale.
But now that my SCW game is coming to a conclusion I will be able to concentrate on a new project.
Thanks for looking today and I will have some painted figures by Friday. Just on the basing now.
All the best Clint