I have been indoors for about 30 mins so here is a post of what I managed to leave the show with. I will try to do a show report tomorrow but for now here is the loot with explanations!
From top left to bottom right.

2 pack of Aeronef . One is a starter "fleet" of Dutch nef-ships. The larger blister is the starter feet while the small blister is the only other ship Brigade models which is of Dutch origin. I was going to get a Turkish starter fleet but I settled on the Dutch in the end. So the biplane I showed yesterday was in Turkish colours and markings simply because I did not find any Turkish lighter than air craft. But this project will now be Dutch and NOT Turkish! Yes I did score a very tiny show day discount! Whoo hoo!

Next along is a company of FOW Japanese troops. I was not expecting to buy these as I was not expecting anyone to carry them at the show. Luckily for me Tole Haven did and even gave me a 10% discount. No more discounts today I promise... These will become (over time) a PBI army, I already have the US forces and you may recall I have some jungle terrain.
Second row. 3 Packs of Counters, I always struggle to come up with counters in many wargames so these should (crosses fingers) make life a little easier. Purchased from "Products for Wargamers" (Impulse buy)

Bottom row. 3 packs of tufts. As they were doing a show special on tufts at £% for 3 pack I was tempted to get 6 packs but 3 will see me though for a while. Only a small drawback but the only come in one colour but luckily it is a colour I use a lot. (Impulse buy and a big thank you to Ray for pointing them out!
2 Packs of Ironclad Miniatures Royal Navy landing party. The plan is to use "Rogue stars" in a Victorian science fiction setting. Talking to the guy was great and he is currently re-doing the Prussian Storm troopers. Which talking to him will fit in perfectly with the British. They will also fit in with my cultists and (yet to be painted "Sky pirates"). I suspect you may be able to discern a theme with many (but not all of my purchases).
Lastly from the bring and buy some Flames of war dice in a tin. This was an absolute bargain and who ever sold them had not checked on eBay for a current price. I was happy to pay £2, and would have almost ripped the guys arm of at that price. Currently on the internet the same tin sells for £20+ I am at present NOT inclined to sell though.
The only other thing I wanted ww2 pacific ships) will have to wait and that project is now on the Back back back back burner.... JUST barely simmering.
Overall this is the best loot haul I was able to score in many a long year.