I have very mixed feelings about the 2 games of Frostgrave I played at the club yesterday. While I did enjoy both there is something that just does not sit right with me! I played 2 games against Kev who is a really nice guy. I played my Enchanter and crew while Kev had to start from scratch and selected an Elementalist.
In the Pics all the Hedges and walls are book shelves as we were in the "Library". It is also worth saying that any "Fog" I cast is orange in colour (It's actually Hamster bedding from Wilko's for any who want cheap flames. I am just saying.)
My tactics and the whole reason I had selected the spell at the beginning of the campaign were to get the loot quick and get out quick with the least confrontation.
Game 1. I got in quick and snagged 2 loot counters threw up some fog to cut down on the vicious elementalist range spells
Kev kept advancing and killing any wildlife on the way (4 Giant Rats if I remember correctly). So I threw up more fog and used leap and telekinesis to get loot off of the table.

My tactics are working and I get 2 loot counters of the table. I also exit my Wizard and apprentice and most of my soldiers.

Kev keeps pushing forward and I exit the last soldiers to be told that they had changed the rules in the last game and any loot left on the table would go to the opponent. Last game we played if all your troops exited the board then the game would end. (To me at this point the goal post did not just seem to move but to be on elastic.) So Kev got all the remaining loot. I did feel a little aggrieved but it was not the end of the world.
I did snag 2 grimoires and some coin and had lost no one and had gotten experience so it really could have been far worse.
A couple of advances and no losses. I would have hoped that Kev got less loot as that was what my tactics were about.
Game 2.

The second game again against Kev. was the Mausaleum scenario. And the dice were not in Kevs favour. He did roll a lot of 1's on a d20 including 3 in a row. Additionally ALL the Skeletons exited the mausoleum on 2 faces closes to his troops.
Typically I started with as much "Fog" as I could to cut down on his very aggressive range attack spells.
The Fog stops my archers shooting but they can carry loot away as fast as anyone else.
I move my soldies and constructs up and into hand to hand with his apprentice. Who does well and drops one of my constructs but my infantryman with 2 handed weapons manages to take Ke's apprentice out of the game and then move on towards one of Kev's Crossbowmen.
The damage is being done though and my soldiers are being killed one by one.

Kev does manage to fry my apprentice with his wizard just as I jump the wizard with another construct and a bowman. The Bowman dies quickly and I just have my wizard and my construct left active enough to put up a fight.
Kev is also retreating as most of his soldierscarry loot to his table edge.
My Construct now on 4 health drops Kevs Wizard so Kev can only activate in the soldier phase. Having learnt from last time and as Kev only has soldiers I exit my wizard from the board as he is on low health and as soon as the fog dissipates be a pin cushion to Kevs archers/crossbow men. I leave the wounded Construct on in order to contest any un gathered loot.
But the plan did not work and the construct fell.
We then rolled for injuries. I have 1 bowman and one light/small construct ready to miss the next game
Kev does less well and his wizard rolls another 1 on a d20. A terrible run of luck means that he has lost 2 wizards killed in 3 games. Both dead and he will need to start again from scratch.
I come away with a good amount of coins and 2 magical items ( a staff of Power [3] and a stone of fate.) I buy another potion of healing And will consider buying a Marksman or ranger to replace my wounded bowman. I will not Worry about the construct as I will get 2 chances to make a new one before the next game (Wizard and apprentice pre game spells)
As Mentioned overall mixed feelings but I will continue and try my best to win the Campaign although Ian is a long way in front at present and Relfie is about 20 xp ahead of me. Poor Kev is last having been forced to start again now twice.
The very good news is that I have scored some free swag at the club (and we all like free swag).
Firstly Thank you Relfie for printing out a set of spell cards for me after I pointed them out on Panzer kaput's blog. He also gave me 3 chests to use as my very own loot tokens so you may expect to see them painted very soon.
Secondly a thank you to Tim (who owns Front line Wargaming) for giving me some samples of his new range of figures. Oh shinies, yes free pre release shinies. I will not say any more about them just yet as I will paint and show them as part of the "Analogue Painting Challenge" in about 1 months time.
Thanks for reading today all the best from Clint