Let me explain. for years (since my first copy of "Space 1889" I have really enjoyed steampunk. But having seen more than a few Youtube videos about Asylum the Lincoln Steampunk festival I kind of lost faith. There were to many people dressing as pirates or fairies or fluffy animals or well you get the idea. NOT Victorian science fiction at all but tea drinking fantasy. Now if that is what they want good luck to them. But I have moved over to "Dieselpunk" Now many of you will not have heard of dieselpunk no worries it is fairly new to me.
But I have made my first purchases... well actually I have not they were actually made several years ago but I got them for steampunk.
Ok cutting the waffle what did I get.
These are all Wizkidz plastic Crimson skies planes. I am not hppy with them, they all need re-painting. Theer is nothing wrong with the current paint jobs of course. However they were painted by someone probably on minimum wage with no interest in dieselpunk and probably no interest in much other that the pay check either.
Firstly I need to aquire some rules I like. and then make an airship so nothing is going to happen over night.
Just stit back and try to ignore any turbulance it is just the pilot trying to find the best and fastest route.
Should I ask for any suggestions as to painting schemes feel free to chip in. But at present I am thinking Camoflage rather than bright colours.
That is it for today. thanks for looking and back to the aeronef paint mines for me.