While at Salute this year one of my planned purchases was a bottle of rust paint, from Model Mates
Click this link as I saw it on Kyles (
Click the Link ) blog the previous year and was taken with it. Now I have toyed with painting rust a few times and have very gradually worked out how to do it. But this way is just so much easier that I am an instant convert!
First paint it an under colour, I like games workshops tin bits for this and then dry brush some bolt gun metal over some of the high lights. You may not have to even do these first 2 steps but I did. Then when dry apply a coat of the model mates rust and get yourself a drink. When you come back from the drink you will find the model has gone rusty. I am sure there are a group of Magic elves doing all the work as it really is like something from a fairy tale. I have not sat and watched it, nor do I intend to as I would much rather believe in Magic Elves!

You will have to forgive my photography but I think you will agree it does look like rust. While you can buy it in 3 different tones I only bought the middle tone as I did not want to over work the poor little paint elves. It is even better than that though, being pure magic you can even clean your brush in water afterwards! yes you can. While you can also use water as a thinner having tried it the results were just not as good. I can only imagine the Paint Elves don't like the taste as much. So I will not be thinning it again, well not with water anyway.

As I have now run out of my Chaos Rat Marines ( Hardly the most novel of ideas) I will have to find something else to paint in rust! So unless anyone wants to donate any skaven or Space marines to me ready for conversion I don't think I will do any more just yet unless I find them dirt cheap at a show or on eBay.
Thanks for looking today I am now of to eBay to see what price I can pick up Necrons for!
I must say I love the Paint Elves who did the work and the paint as well, it really is magical. So My advie is don't buy it and watch the results but buy it paint it on and go out of the room and make a drink. It really is worth the it!
Thanks for tuning it. All Praise the Magical Painting Elves! And with luck see you all again soon.
All the best from Clint!