Well I am not going to make a big thing of it but the illness persists in the family. One person gets better and another gets worse.
These are a bit rough but they are now finished. Well not really rough, but I have put the sashimi back banners some place and I could not find them and then the photos came out a bit blurred. But they will add to my growing Samurai armies and will fit in perfectly.

I have pre-ordered some more Samurai from Pendraken ready to pick up on Saturday at Salute but only an additional 2 packs so not as many as I could possibly get. Just enough to keep the project rolling along.

So today we have another 12 Samurai with Naginata mounted and ready for battle. These will bolster my Red Samurai army and bring them to a similar level to my grey Army. I am not far of having sufficient for a battle now, no wargames army is ever really finished but this is now approaching critical mass. And I will anticipate getting a game in quite soon. In fact I am planning one in about a month, give or take.
So Now I am writing the rules. Going for a very simple set based on DBA but that could all change as it is not yet written in stone.
Thanks for looking today. I have a spare hour so I may get to make some fudge done ready for the traders at Salute.
I am hoping to get another one or two more posts in before the big day. So with luck talk to you soon.
All the best Clint