Well you know what they say. "What comes around, goes around"! And so it appears with me. I have slipped back into wanting to do "wild west" wargames. As such there are 3 routes to explore. Firstly cowboy skirmish games. I already have enough figures (who am I trying to kid... there are never enough) figures for that. I just need a set of rules I really like. Maybe a few more apaches.. would be nice, but who knows.

The second thread is 15mm mass battles. I know we tend to think of small skirmishes with up to 1/2 a dozen figures on each side. But Bigger battles did take place. Think "Battle of Little Big Horn!" for example. Peter Pig *(
http://www.peterpig.co.uk/) Have just re-released a set of rules for that and to be fair. I am interested. It should be better that the "Hey you in the Jail" set I have from them. So that is something I shall definitely be looking at.

The third option, is to go non-historical. Yes we have Dracula in America,( Best place for him I should imagine). But we also have Westworld. Before anyone asks NO I have not seen the TV series! And this is an old conversion (way back about 6 years ago!) but I could be very tempted to do more.
So if I do Westworld I shall use the 7TV 2e rules. And shall buy some more "Fembots" just for the heads better to make conversions.
So in the future expect me to re-make my wild west terrain in bother 15mm and 28mm.
That's iit for now back to the paint table and the miniatures mine!