Kind permission of Dave to photograph
To be fair he did send me the original
in a format I just could not open
So this is a photograph of the front cover. |
I attended a "Deathmatch Day" at the local store. Dave Stone was due to come up and I was happy to see him. BUT I dislike Science Fiction Gladiators. So I was not looking forward to it! It did not help that the shop had forgotten all about it and thought it was in a months time. We can all complain, but these things do happen!
I was wrong! The game is actually very good. The Mechanics work very well and I am inclined to pick up a hard copy in the weeks ahead.
When money allows I think an order to Wargames Terrain Workshop is very likely to happen. (
LINK). I shall admit I did buy a beastie but I do not intend it for this game.
As it was not advertised due to the shop forgetting I watched one game. Played one game (kids interrupted that one and dragged the parent away and did final get to have a game myself.
Here is what happened.
Game 1 (Observed)
A lizardman versus a giant of a Gladiator
Creatures in the light grey section are waiting to come on. |
They bothe charged towards each other in an unthinking way.
It was quickly over and while the first and even the second beast were released
The game was almost a forgone conclution. With the Lizard man dying and the large Gladiator hardly taking and damage at all.
While theye were present the game was over before the beasts got to do anything interesting.
At this stage I was thinking "It#s OK but nothing out of the ordinary!"
Game 2 (Interrupted)
My first game |
Having the advantage that I had already seen a game I gave "Tory" my oponant the first choice of models. So she took the large brute again.
Therefore I decided to take the Lizard man again. Just to see if it was all about the brute strength of the Giant.
As I won the initiative I steped back as far as I was able and let fly tith my "Punch pistol". It did not have much effect but it did some damage and for that I am grateful.
The giant was able to close some of the distance and did let fly it's ranged attack. I was lucky and it missed! The second round was much as the first except a Lavabeast was released from it's holding cell and made its way out onto the Arena floor.

I moved the the right and put the opponent between the lava beast and myself. I am not fussy I will use the beasts to weaken/kill y opponents if I can.
The gigantic gladiator charged. I was unable to avoid fighting any longer. But at this stage I had taken a lot less damage than my opponent.
Lizardman card |
I was all set for a victory (well that is the way I shall tell it despite the truth) when Tories youngest got very disruptive and in the end the game was stopped. Seriously I was in the advantage and I could have won given more time, but only just. Therefore I have to accept a draw!
Game 3:
I wanted to try something different. I had at this stage played 1/2 a game and watched 1 game. So Rob (I think that was his name, sorry if I got it wrong) was given the choice of what to play, He chose the Lizard man. Suprising to me te lizard man was picked in all three games.
That being the case I took a HUMAN.
I had decided to play very differently.

When Rob stepped back and fired his punch pistol, I just took the damage and "Showboated!" . Rob continued to win the initative in the second round.
I had moved out of range of his pistol. So Rob was forced to close the ground. before firing a second time. Again some damage but I had a plan (not a very good one) so I stuck to it. I moved when it was my turn to the right. This should put the beast directly behind rob. And Showboated once more.
Random monster pic! |
The third round I won initiative and changed. I was lucky The charge hit home and Rob took sufficient hits to be driven back towards the beast. Unfortunately he was not knocked down. ready for the beast to go MUNCH MUNCH. That was my plan.
But I had done enough to win the applause of the crowd and with 2 bounts of Showboating and the crowd on my side I was the winner.
There are t ways to win "Deathmatch!"way 1 is to slay the opponent, way two is to win the crowd to your point of view. yes perhaps I was sneaky to use the second way, but it did mean taking the hits first without fighting back.
Overall I diod enjoy the game and Shall play it again as it is very quick and has as much action as you could want. Unless some idiot decides to "Showboat" his way to victory!