I was in a painting mood on Saturday so managed to get some more 28mm figures done. Obviously they are all late war, but I had them hanging about and as I am at present not buying and trying to reduce the unpainted pile it was worth getting them done despite the fact that the rest are early war mostly in caps. Which makes these the first helmeted figures for the force.

The figures are "Great War Miniatures" in a pack of Lewis gunners. I suspect that there should have been 3 Lewis Gunners and 3 Ammunition carriers. In my pack there was a duplicate munitions carrier, middle in the top photo and left figure in the second photo. This is not a complaint. and extra ammunition is rarely a mistake. I am guessing that somewhere there is a figure pack with an extra Lewis Gunner but no No:2 so he'll be short of supplies and may have trouble reloading. Many people would prefer the extra gun but troops carrying things through trenches can always be used in a WW1 setting.

6 figures in a pack at £5:40 including postage having just checked on eBay seems like a good price. I have no need of any more British for now so I doubt I will purchase any more in the foreseeable future. I did enjoy painting them though as the uniforms are straightforward and it means you can get them done without too much thought or colour worry.
Additionally I found this Renegade officer who had failed to get painted when I did the rest of the WW1 figures so I managed to include him in the batch at the same time. He had been attached to a "slotta" base which I must have done several years ago as opposed to a washer. I have no idea why I did not do him those years ago, maybe he was absent without leave at the time and I simply forgot him and then put him in the "to do" box! Who knows, I can't remember. You can see in the group picture at the bottom that despite my camera work in the individual picture he does fit in. (No idea why it came out so much darker and so much browner. Oh well never mind)

I am doubtful these will get any kind of tabletop outing in the near future I definitely have nothing planned for them but you never know. I would need to make another opposing army for them and that is a task I am not willing to take at present.
That is it for today. Thank you for tuning in. If I can get any painting done this afternoon I will post again on Tuesday. I hope to but nothing is ready yet. So until next time keep safe have fun and feel free to comment, or not as the whim takes you. All the best Clint