Several things all happened at once which meant I have been unable to blog as frequently as I would like.
Well the AHPC is still continuing but I have sufficient back log so start showing stuff on the blog more frequently!
Secondly My sister is back from Texas, having told me it would be 2 weeks and her leaving on BOXING DAY! SO the Dogs and the horses no longer my responsibility!
Thirdly the bug seems to have passed. I am still a little weak and coughing and spluttering and with a headache but seriously so much better then yesterday when I had to go back to bed! I cannot remember the last time I needed to go back to bed.
BUT the good news is I was given 2 gifts.
Long tem member of the blog may recall me starting and stopping a WW1 East Africa Project. Well another club member wants to do some of this and these are the rules he wants to use and this was a spare copy of the rules he gave me. I shall enjoy reading them but whether I will use them or not I just do not know.
The other is a small book on the Battle of the Alamo. Now my sister has no interest in war, battles, wargamin, very little interest in history (I am sure she would say otherwise but in 50 years I have not known her to buy 1 history book for herself!) however she did do to San Antonio and see the site of the battle and the museum. Probably I suspect because my nephew and brother in law wanted to go. Still anyway a book on a battle I have not read and that will be difficult to acquire in the UK so I am not complaining!
I will tryto do another post tomorrow. Until then here are me and the 2 dogs at about 3 am having just been woken up to let them out for a wee! Kindly forgive my dishevelled appearance! And the fact that the dogs are not allowed on the sofa at their own home!